Friday, September 6, 2019

Movie Review : IT Chapter Two

IT Chapter Two
This film is a damn delight! First off I want to say everyone stop comparing this to the first film. We all know it’s not as good as the first one as its so difficult to make a sequel better then the first its very rare when the sequel is better then the first. I love the first film it was basically a perfect horror film and to try and recapture the perfect film that was IT (2017) is a massive task to ask the creative team to do a second time around. Now yes I agree this film isn’t as good as the first but it dose not need to be bashed. This is a great companion to the first film and it has a lot of fun and great effective scares that are so well done. The film also gives a very satisfying end to this story I felt it was perfectly wrapped up and concluded by the end of the film. Now another thing people have been complaining about is the runtime of this film as it is 2 hours and fifty minutes long which I do agree is a long film but I felt it was necessary for it to be that long as the film from a narrative stand point needed to tell the second half of this story and do it in a way that stayed faithful to the book while keeping the audience interested into the story which I feel it does in spades. IT Chapter Two is a chilling and well crafted sequel that brings double the scares and a fistful of emotion that is exacuted perfeclty.

First Off, Whoever was the casting agent for this needs a raise as the cast is perfect as they all look like their younger counterparts and have the mannerisms and qualities that the young actors brought to those characters. The actors all gave compelling performances brining great layers of emotion and complexity to their performances but the the two actors that stood out from the cast was Bill Hader and Bill Skarsgard. The entire cast was solid Jessica Chastain Brought this very vulnerable aspect to the character that was amazingly done by Sophia in the first film. The entire cast all step up to the plate and give their A game as their is not one bad performance in this film and everyone’s favourite horror clown comes back and brings more terror then the first time around Skarsgard brings once again this eerie presence to the character and a chilling delivery to his lines and brings the character to life with his powerful passion and commitment to the character and knocks it out of the park crafting one of the most terrifying villainous performances I have ever seen. I could go on all day about how great the cast is but I mean it every character and actor gets their moment to shine and every character is so well fleshed out and is so well shown onscreen the second time around. 

The film is so satisfying, The scares in this film are as effective as they were the first time around as it dose not rely on cheap jump scares in order to scare the audience. They are able to get under your skin and truly terrify you in a way that isn’t overused like most horror films it sets itself apart from other horror films and finds other ways to scare you and it is so well done. As they will lead you to believe their is a terrifying moment about to happen and then it does not happen then when you think it won’t happen thats when it does and they time and plan their scares in such a authentic and well mapped out way that every scare was effective I cannot tell you that I saw a jump scare or scary moment coming because I didn’t and I love that aspect because I am more scared when I don’t see it coming and this film and the first achieve that so beautifully. Then you have the emotional aspect of this film which the first film did have but not to this level. As the first film was more of a coming of age style and here it is more about family and the importance of togetherness. Their were moments more quiet moments that were well handled as this film does go to very dark places but it knows when to pull back and have a humorous moment or a heart to heart moment too. It is very self aware as this film has some really effective emotional beats that can bring some tears to your eye as it keeps the scares which you expect but also remembers to show the beating heart of emotion as well which is just as effective as the scares but here they bring a bit more of the emotional aspect which I thought was so well done. 

Lastly, This is the most perfect horror story as it stayed faithful to the book but also making it mainstream that people who didn’t read the book could still follow along and that is one of the biggest strengths both films carry and it also crafts amazing chilling and at times very shocking scares that work so well and then you have the great emotional aspect with sparkling performances all wrapped up into it making for a damn good film that is a enjoyable sequel to the first film IT chapter two and the first film are the best two parter horror films I’ve ever seen period some people may think I’m praising this film way more highly then i should but you know what this film and the first film are such different horror films then most and I love that and that is why both films are so unique and they represent Stephen King’s vision perfectly. It Chapter Two is an amazing thrill ride from start to finish. 

This film picks up 27 years later after the kids defeated Pennywise And when they notice he is back they come back to Derry to finish him off

Rated R : for disturbing violent content and bloody images throughout, pervasive language, and some crude sexual material

Bill Hader : Bill Gives a outstanding performance as Richie! Hader was perfect in this film as he brings such a complex portrayal to the character and Bill brings that style of dry wit we are used to see him bring but at the same time we have never seen him do a horror film and I was so excited to see how he would do in this film and he is incredible as he brings that smart ass sarcasm that Richie had in the first film But at the same time since he has grown up you can see how affected he is by what happened so their are very big emotional scars that he try’s to deal with and it made for very emotionally raw moments that make you really feel for Richie as he is tortured by his past and has to confront it once again and Hader brought this vulnerable aspect to the character we had not seen and he also brought qualities to his performance I had not seen him show before and he is a massive stand out in the film. He Can be so funny and help break the tension in a scene when it is needed to give the audience a laugh and he knows when to as he does not try and be funny every five seconds he picks his moments really well and has great comedic timing because the jokes all landed when he did choose to us one at the same time he also switched things up emotionally and knew when to he didn’t play this character one note he showed the many dimensions to him that their are and I loved that their is a great handful of moments that are heartbreaking and Bill brings that to screen with painful honesty through his voice and facia expressions he commits to the character one hundred percent giving greatly effective emotional scenes as well. Hader truly does bring something special to the character and to his performance that makes it so compelling to watch and I would have to say it is one of Bill’s best performances I’ve seen as he just channels sides to him that I had not seen before and he crackles in every frame of this film. 

Bill Skarsgard : Bill gives a chilling portrayal of the murderous clown once again! Bill gave one of the most terrifying performances in recent time with his performance on the first film and here he brings once again another terrifying performance that will get under your skin. What makes him different here compared to the first film is that in the first film he had just met the kids and tried to win them over with charm and kindness an since he lost he’s pissed off and he makes that known and so he makes sure this time that they know that he is a threat and he will try to the best of his ability to win. Bill channels this really sinister side to the character yes he did in the first film but here he is balls to the walls crazy and he pours his blood sweat and tears into his performance and he shines. Bill really escapes into the role and the way he delivers his dialogue in such eerie and disturbing ways really is remarkable as he does not phone in his performance he puts his absolute passion into this role and it shows as here he is a force to be reckoned with and every moment he is onscreen you are unsettled, disturbed and creeped out but you can’t take your eyes off of Bill and its all due to what he is giving onscreen even though he’s creepy you want to see him more and Bill this time brings a very desperate and lonely quality to the character that was not touched upon in the first film he finds places emotionally to explore with the character that we didn’t see the first time around and still is able to wow us with his chilling performance that truly is captivating. 

Andy Muschietti : Andy gives once again another well directed picture! Andy Gave one of the best directed films of 2017 with the first IT film and again here he knocks it out of the park. Because with the first film it a lot of set up as in the first film he had to introduce the characters then set the story up and give a compelling conclusion to the first half of the story it wasn’t even a full story and to pull that off successfully is not easy and he made it look effortless. So this time around we already know the characters and the plot has already been established so here he expands on what we already know and build upon it with as mentioned before really well effective scares that aren’t predictable or cheap scares. He told the last half of this story in a very compelling way as everyone knows that the grown up side of IT is not easy to pull off and I feel he did a really solid job as he was able to flesh out more of the characters fears and arcs that may not have been fully touched upon in the first film. And he also brings an amazing depth of emotion to this film that really is well executed as he balances the emotional aspects and the scares in a well done way that one never is outweighing the other it is perfectly balanced while at the same time give a satisfying conclusion to this story which I felt he did. He was able to bring great scares some fantastic humorous moments and also great emotion Andy has pulled off one of the greatest if not the greatest horror franchise ever his direction here is stellar. 


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