Friday, September 8, 2017

Movie Review : IT

This film is truly one of the best and most terrifying films of the year! This film had me sweating through my jacket when I saw this film. Wow this film did its job it terrified me but that's the job it was supposed to do. This film is probably the third best Stephen King adaptation next to the shining and shawshank Redemption. I know that's a big compliment to give the film but it is true this film is outstanding in every way. The music is chilling to the bones as well as the breakout performance given by Bill Skarsgard which is truly special he is doing in this film. The performances across the board from the cast were fantastic and I'm not just saying that they really were great. This film was able to avoid the clique of horror films without the scares  getting overused  they were effective at every turn always keeping you on the edge. While keeping the audience intrigued by this spooky story at hand which is executed so perfectly. IT is one of the best films of the years and one of the best horror films in years that will leave you terrified.

The story revolves around these group of friends but when one of their brothers go missing and more kids around their town start disappearing. These kids discover something dark and unlike anything they could ever imagine something only of nightmares.

Rated R : violence/horror, bloody images and language

Bill Skarsgard : Bill delivers a incredible performance in this film that will have your hairs on your skin standing up. Bill is an actor who isn't familiar to many people but has appeared in small roles here and their he was in a film earlier this year in atomic blonde. But besides that he hasn't really done something which has made him really standout and I can safely say this film dose just that. Bill gives a sensational breakout performance in this film that will have you talking about his work in this long after the film is done. What Bill did so well was he as many know play's Pennywise the creepy clown which was previously and famously played by Tim Currey. I would like to say what he did was not copy what Tim did but deliver his own take on the clown without copying or going in the footsteps of Tim but creating his own version which I like. What he did so well in this film was his ability to keep you guessing what he will do next. We all expect Pennywise to just go at these kids but what Bill did so well was he would have for the most part Pennywise be calm and not always in attack mode which I think is ten times more creepier then if he was to just go at them. His performance in this film gets into your bones he strikes fear the moment he comes on screen and it's amazing to watch truly it is. His ability to be so eerie and scary by being so calm is terrifying and the sound of his voice to the look in his eye I completely forgot I was watching Bill I saw Pennywise onscreen and that's when I know a performance has gone above and beyond because I can't even tell its Bill I just see the character that's how great he is you forgot its him. But from the sound of his chilling voice to the look in his eyes he committed to Pennywise 100% truly giving outstanding work in this film. He was able to use so many layers of emotion to scare you and explore within the character which was great because then we got to see what range Bill has and what he can do and wow can he act. Overall Bill delivers a truly incredible and terrifying performance that will be talked about for years.

Finn Wolfhard : Finn gives a surprisingly Brilliant supporting turn in this film. Finn is as we all know best known for his role of Mike on Stranger Things. So we haven't really seen him branch out and do other projects yet until this film came along. Wow Finn surprised the hell out of me with his terrifying work in this film. In the film he plays the sarcastic friend of the group I would say and usually that's a tricky rope to walk because those kinds of characters can either get tiring fast or just plain annoying and he dose neither but is able to entertain you with that witty humour without it ever going stale. His range in the film is really what impressed me first off his comedic timing is perfect he knew when to say the right jabs or sarcastic comments at the right moments resulting in the jokes always landing perfectly and making me laugh every time. But he also was able to switch it up to when he needed to with some serious emotion and it didn't come off as if he was trying to hard no you genuinely believe that he means what he says and his delivery of his lines is perfect. He to me out of all the kids stood out to me the most because he just brought something new we haven't seen from him before which is incredible work here which shouldn't go unnoticed. Overall Finn delivers a truly great performance in this film that shouldn't go overlooked.

Andy Muschietti : Andy gives masterful direction in this film! Andy did what James Wan did for the conjuring he brought something new and different to the table. Andy's previous work I have seen Was Mama the film which he did most recently and this film blows that film out of the water. Andy brought so many great things to this film. For starters he gave a true book to screen adaptation of Stephen Kings masterful novel he stayed true to the book source so for that I respect him for staying true to the roots of the story. Obviously their are things in the book he couldn't put in because they are still kids but he did push it as far as he could by making it as true to the novel and as Dark as King visioned it would be. He put side plots in that could of easily of fallen apart in the hands of another director but he was able to use the side plots and intertwine it with the main plot without it being confusing or just not needed he was able to juggle all these things and keep them up in the air and keep you entertained. As well as giving you a terrifying ride with great scares that don't feel overused but new and work every time and it's so effective and brilliant how he sets all the scares up because you never see it coming. He got great performances out of his actors and give a great horror film as well. He achieved so much in this film he deserves incredible praise for his direction because he was able to tackle some plot points in the film that were disturbing but he did them extremely well he just delivers on all levels with his direction on this film. He keeps you gripping your seat the entire time and leaves you wanting more no other director could achieve what he was able to do which is what makes his vision for this film even more special is theirs no one else who could of done it better. Overall fantastic direction from a great director.

The Lighting : The tones of colours were greatly used. The colours were mostly grey and black and the uses of them were so effective. It sounds cheesy but they were it fit the frame and the emotional core of the story so well. It captures the Eerie aspect of it so well as well as being able to express great brightness in the more smaller scenes it was greatly done and greatly used the lighting in this film is terrific great job guys.

The Cinematography : the camerawork in the film is outstanding! The way the camera was able to use bird point of view shots were magnificent I haven't seen that style in a long time in a film and it was used greatly in the film. It captures the terror so well as well as being able to show this town around us which hides more secrets then we thought. The camera was great at creating tension too and the transitions were very smooth and I just love the way the camera was able to create such great tension and terror in the scenes without it being to obvious but always being their through the lens overall great job I loved the camerawork.

The Score : the music in this is incredible. The music in this film made me think of the score of the exorcist and nightmare on elm street. It had this high key sound to it that felt very spooky and creepy which fit the tone of the film greatly. It was great at creating tension but cutting the music to silence at times to strike fear in you at the right time then cut back to the music.  It just had this melody that is so well composed I haven't heard a score that has impressed me like this in a long time I truly love the composed music in this film.


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