Friday, August 18, 2017

Movie Review : Logan Lucky

Logan Lucky
This film is a enjoyable film it isn't amazing it isn't bad either it's just good it is a fun time at the theatre and that's ok!  Logan Lucky is a crime caper film very much like the Ocean 11 series it has that style and flare to it which is a lot of fun to be had in the film due to that. It has a great cast of actors who all give great work from Tatum to Adam Driver to Daniel Craig every actor is on top of their game in this film. It is a fun crime film that  is your money well spent. The only thing I had a issue with the film was it didn't really pick up until mid way through the the film it started slow but picked up by the halfway point of the film that's when it really gets interesting and shifts into gear besides that I had a fun time watching this film.

The story is about a guy named Jimmy Logan who comes up with a idea to steal the money from the vault of NASCAR during the annual speedway

Rated PG - 13 : language  and some rude comments

Channing Tatum : Tatum delivers once again another solid performance! Tatum has been impressing me recently with his choice in projects. He really is branching out showing people he's more then a pretty face and can do all different kinds of styles of films and Foxcatcher really impressed me with how he can do so well in different genres and really excel at it. He dose it once again here in such great fashion with a truly great performance in a great role. He plays a guy who gets let go and is just wanting to spend time with his daughter but doesn't have enough money to rub two penny's together so he decides to rob a vault. The way he is able to show that story with his character in his performance is great you can see the story of this man behind his eyes and the way he delivers his lines whenever he is in a film he commits and goes all the way and he dose so here and it's so entertaining to watch. His transformation into this southern father was amazing you really were convinced he just wanted to do what's right and be a good dad and he dose that so well with his great line delivery and fantastic emotion he expresses onscreen with such layers and realism. As well what makes it so great is the chemistry he has with Adam Driver you really believe they are brothers the chemistry between the two was fantastic I loved it. I love how Channing is taking chances and doing roles like this I hope he keeps doing films like this moving forward because this film once again proves Channing Can excel in any genre as he gives a truly great lead performance in this film overall terrific work by Channing once again.

Daniel Craig : Daniel gives one of his best performances in recent time with his tremendous work in this film. Daniel as everyone knows is well known for his role as James Bond but we haven't seen him do much else except for that so to see him be able to branch out and do different things like this film is great because we can see what else he is capable of doing and he dose it so well here. In this film he plays a character so poller opposite of Bond with this character called Joe Bang a southern criminal who is unpredictable and Craig gives such a fun and hilarious performance with this juicy role. When Daniel first appears onscreen your stuck with him you can't take your eyes off of him because he is doing in this film is so special it's so different and unlike anything we have seen him do before. From the way he moves to the way he talks he fully immerses himself in this character at times forgetting its Craig because of how great he is in this role. He has this southern accent that is so well done its incredible to see as well as his humour. His ability to deliver great comedic moments was great his timing was amazing and just was hilarious every moment he was onscreen. I would watch a film of just this character in a spinoff film he's that entertaining to watch. Daniel just has so much fun here in this film and you can tell he is and it's great to witness seeing him doing something so new and fresh and do such an incredible job at it too. Overall Daniel delivers a scene stealing supporting performance.

Steven Soderbergh : Steven knocks it out of the park once again. Steven went into retirement saying he wouldn't do any more directing so you know the screenplay is that good that he has to come out of retirement to direct the film because it's that good of a plot. I'm so glad he did this film because no other director would be able to pull of what style he puts in his films especially on the crime caper genre. This film is very reminiscent of the Oceans 11 franchise he did and is most famously known for but at the same time give us something fresh and new with fun and entertaining characters. He had one of the best acting ensembles of the year with the great cast he was able to get in the film from Hilary Swank to Craig the talent is incredible In the film. What he brought to the table that I think no one could of done with this film and only he can do is be able to do a film on a Heist but in a new and fresh way that doesn't seem overused but also have great characters we care for and their motivation behind it as well as his great twists he's able to do as well. He captures that in this film once again so Greatly and I think only Steven can do that to me that's why I think he's so talented because no other director can do what he can do sure they can copy him people have tried to but only Steven can do that genre so well and tackle it so greatly. But yea I think he was able to revisit a genre he already has done but bring a new look to it and give us something fresh with a great plot while keeping us entertained and not getting bored for one minute. That's why I love the film so damn much because of the direction overall Steven once again delivers his best with his great work on this film giving the perfect balance of comedy crime and drama to keep us entertained on this great thrill ride.

The Soundtrack : the music in the film I really liked. The use of country music could of easily of just been a stereotype because the film takes place in the south but it did such a great job at choosing the right music for the right scene it just fit so greatly and perfectly I loved the music choice for the film Overall great tunes.


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