Thursday, August 17, 2017

Movie Review : The Hitman's Bodyguard

The Hitman's Bodyguard
This film is a blast and had me laughing till the end of the film! This is probably one of the funniest films I've seen in years where I was smiling and laughing all the way through. The film has a intriguing original premise about a Hitman who needs a bodyguard and it's such fun. For the reason the casting is lightning in a bottle with the casting and chemistry of Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson they are truly one of the best onscreen duos I've seen since Lethal Weapon. The film is such a fun time to be had with exhilarating action and side splitting humour. The Hitman's Bodyguard is one of the years best films and one of the most fun films I've had all year.

The film tells the story of a Bodyguard who gets hired to protect a Hitman at all costs

Rated R : for strong violence and language throughout

Ryan Reynolds : Ryan once again delivers a top notch comedic performance that had me laughing till it hurt. Ryan since he has started acting I've always thought was a talented comedic actor who has a great gift for making people laugh and here he shows it so brilliantly once again with his truly great work in the film. In this film he plays the straighten which is so different which I loved he switched it up and plays the serious one next to Jackson's character. He plays this grade A bodyguard and has to protect this dangerous Hitman and he delivers the performance in a way that is so funny but never to jokey or annoying. He was able to give a entertaining performance by knowing when the right moment would be to have a sarcastic remark or joke it never felt tiring it just felt right. He also was able to provide depth with his character with great backstory and having a bit of emotional scenes without it feeling to serious and he walks that line so perfectly with the two emotional tones and it's perfect. As well as his onscreen Chemistry with Jackson is just electric and you never get tired of their banter. Overall Ryan has knocked it out of the park once again with a truly terrific performance.

Samuel L. Jackson : Jackson delivers a truly entertaining performance! Jackson is one of the best action stars and just tough guy actors working today and he delivers all the punches with a fantastic performance in this film. In the film he plays the wild card opposite of Ryan and he is able to play a character with such darkness but also great comedy that the line he walks is perfect and the result onscreen is amazing. He's able to deliver the bad ass persona he's known for but also be able to bring a layer of emotional depth to himself as well which I really loved. When he strikes for the comedy he never misses it always lands and I loved his comedic beats they all were so smooth and just on the mark. As well as his more serious and toned down scenes where he really is expressing himself emotionally he can get us laughing but then switch it and become so perineal and real onscreen and I loved that transition it's incredibly entertaining overall Samuel delivers another badass but also terrific comedic performance wrapped up into one.

Salma Hayek : Salma delivers a hilarious supporting turn in this great film. Salma is a incredibly talented actress who's worked I have enjoyed quiet a bite but I've never seen her really flex her comedic muscles outside of the grown up series. I haven't seen her do edgy stuff and she dose it so well in this film. In this film she has a smaller part compared to her co - stars but she soaks up every frame she's in with the time she has in the film giving a truly enjoyable and comedic performance that shouldn't be overlooked. She is able to convey the emotion of being tough but also being funny at the same time and it works perfectly and she had me laughing every second she was onscreen wishing she was in the film more because she's just that damn enjoyable in the film to watch. Her timing was incredible comedically and you can't help but love every moment of it overall a truly terrific supporting performance from Salma.

Patrick Hughes : Patrick delivers splendid direction with this film. Patrick is a director who I am unfamiliar with but am aware he has directed the expendable's 3 film besides that I haven't seen his previous work. After seeing what he did with this I will for sure keep an eye on him due to his great talent he showcased in this film. In the film he was able to take an original concept idea and get one of the best onscreen duos in years with the great talents of Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson capturing lightning in a bottle with their great onscreen chemistry. As well the film never felt forced on the comedy that I also like dir never felt jokey or to serious it had the perfect combination of both neither one getting tiresome or annoying at any point. He was just able to mix serious tones and Comedy together and it worked so perfectly. He just gives w truly fun time at the movies that you can't help but love and it's all due to the fantastic direction given on Patrick's part. Overall great direction from a great director.

The Cinematography : The camerawork in this is fantastic! The use of overhead shots were beautiful capturing the whole scope of the frame was incredibly well done and I enjoyed that quiet a bit. As well I loved the camerawork in the action sequences being able to capture it so well and put you in the middle of it. Their is a scene where Ryan is talking and action is going on behind him the ability to be able to focus on two big things at once without dropping the ball is incredibly hard and it pays off incredibly well overall great camerawork.

The Soundtrack : The music in this film is your typical action comedy music it is well placed in the film it doesn't feel tagged on I liked it quiet a bit to be honest. The ability for the music to mismatch the scene completely  just made it ten times more humorous and it worked into the scene so well. Overall great tunes and placed in the film so very well.


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