Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Movie Review : The Dark Tower

The Dark Tower
This film had all the right materials for a good film. It had a great cast along with a story that is incredibly intriguing and some really cool action sequences now did it deliver? No it did not the problem I have with this film the main issue I had is not that the film is terrible but it's an ok film it's just so boring to be completely honest with you. The film gives so much build up but never really amounts to any real excitement which this film suffers hugely from. The actors in in Idris Elba and Matthew are both carrying this film on their shoulders they are doing their best with what they had. But sadly not even their work in this film could save this mess of a film, this film really disappointed me because I was really looking forward to it and it just really missed its target and left me bored rather then entertained. Overall the Gunslinger has missed his target with this film.

The film tells the story of this boy named Jake Chambers a kid who has visions and his parents are trying to get him help as they think it's all in his head but when his visions come to life he must do whatever he can to keep the dark tower up or the city will be in complete chaos if it falls

Rated PG - 13 : For thematic material including sequences of gun violence and action

Matthew McConaughey : Matthew is such fun in this film. No matter what film Matthew is in the film could be terrible but he's the best part of it because he always gives his all and he dose so once again here with his work in this film. In the film he plays the man in black the representation of death and the character is so interesting to see whenever Matthew is onscreen in the film you can't help but be so entertained by his performance because you can tell he is having so much fun with this great character he's been handed to play. As well he isn't in the film as much as I thought but when he is he's a scene stealer for sure he just has this smooth menacing look about him and the way his lines roll off his tongue with such creepiness is great he really was a blast to see onscreen in the film. He could talk so quiet but be so eerie and creepy at the time and I loved that about his performance. He is one of the few things I liked about this film was his supporting performance in this film. Overall Matthew gives a truly  great entertaining performance.

Nikolaj Arcel : this director gave me mixed feelings but overall gave ok direction as a whole. In this film he tried to go for this dark and western feel which I liked I loved the stuff in the other world but the moment it went to earth the film's interest just slowed down for me. He had all the pieces he had a great cast, great story and truly great cinematography what went wrong? I'll tell you what he did and when things started to go wrong was he stuffed to much information into one film that could of either been longer and dragged it out to explain it in more depth I think it would of benefited from that. Or he could of turned this into a mini series on Netflix just like a series of unfortunate events did that show benefited better on television because it had room to breath and tell its story at a slower pace so it can be told better instead of stuffing as much information from as many books as possible into one film. Because he was able to draw my attention into the film for sure but lost me when it became to slow and to complicated. So I will say I liked the style he was going for but lost me halfway through he didn't give bad direction it just could of been done a bit better. Overall he gave ok direction that could of been improved on greatly.

The Lighting : The strokes of colour in this film I really enjoyed quiet a bit. They tried to go for this western feel and the picture had this yellow gold feel to the frame which really appealed to me which I liked. It also was able to switch darker for the more intense or emotional scenes overall well done lighting in this film.

The Cinematography : The camerawork in this film is very very good. I liked the use of overhead shots POV shots and the wide angles it really was able to showcase the great scope of the environment surrounded around us and really be able to take in the great world we are in. I loved the camerawork it was very smooth transitions I loved it well done.


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