Monday, August 14, 2017

Movie Review : The Emoji Movie

The Emoji Movie
Wow we're finally here we have finally entered the realm of cinema where we are now making movies about Emoji's. This film has been getting some of the worst reviews I've ever seen for a film. Now the question your thinking is is it as bad as people are making it out to be? No I thought it was bad but not as bad as people are calling it it has it's good moments every now and then but besides that it wasn't good but not so bad it's called the worst film of 2017 that's beauty and the beast. This film had a slew of problems first off the big problem I had with it was it copying the plot from other films that have come before it. Such as Inside out and wreck it ralph especially the plot is a I don't know where I belong storyline which we have seen to many times to count so if they brought it into another more fresh direction maybe it would of been more bearable to sit though.

Secondly, I didn't like the lack of backstory within the characters they had they had sir Patrick Stewart one of the greatest actors ever to graze the screen and they minimized his screen time to probably two minutes which is such a waste. They could of benefited hugely by giving more of the characters backstory instead of just being people in the background that show up every so often. That I had a issue with.

Lastly is the pacing for this film. Now the film's runtime is around an hour and twenty six minutes which isn't to long but when you watch it the film feels forever for the pacing to pick up. So if they were to cut a good ten minutes from it the flow of it would of been better and wouldn't feel like a pain to get through. Because this film felt endless and the long runtime wasn't needed at all it could of very easily been trimmed down.

Overall the Emoji movie is one of the worst films I've seen this year but not the worst still this film lacks entertainment, fun and creativity so this film is definitely one you will see in the five dollar bin later this year.

The story revolves around the meh emoji and how he wants to have purpose and have a job like the others who get chosen on a boys phone but when he screws up he goes to seek purpose to be the perfect emoji

Rated PG : Rude Humour

James Corden : James Corden is carrying this film on his shoulders! This film is without a doubt terrible but the performance given by James is one of the smallest things I can talk positively about this film. The one person who I enjoyed besides Patrick Stewart was his voice work I really thought  he was having fun onscreen and doing the best with what material he had to work with. His ability to just have fun with his character was great to see onscreen whenever he was in a scene he made this film feel a little better by his great charisma and great charm. Overall James gives a fun entertaining performance as the high five emoji.

Anthony Leondis : This director gave terrible direction! I have seen some of his past work with lilo and stitch 2 and igor just to name a few but this film without a doubt is his worst and worst direct film to date. Like I said the film borrows from other properties which doesn't feel original but just unoriginal and their was no chemistry between the actors as well as wasting great talent too. This film could of been better under the hands of a director who knew what he was doing instead of what Anthony gave us as the final product which is just unbearable to watch really. Overall this film is just an all around terribly direct film.


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