Monday, August 14, 2017

Movie Review : Fifty Shades Darker

Fifty Shades Darker
Just when you thought they couldn't do worse they did! The first film as many know I dislike with a passion that came out in 2015. I disliked it due to its lack of character depth and background, chemistry among the actors and pacing. In this film we get the same damn thing all over again how can you mess up twice its kind of amazing.
This film carries the same beats as the first one giving shallow performances from the cast and a plot that when I was watching it with my girlfriend it was hard for us to get through because it dragged out for so long. The only thing I'll say the film did right with the first one was have great music not even that is in this film it's just a shallow empty film which I'll have to suffer through one more time with the last instalment coming out next year. So to sum this up Fifty Shades didn't even go darker it just gave us a shade of crap.

This film picks up right where the first one left off. Anastasia is working at a company when Christian can't help be drawn to her and want her back

Rated R : for strong erotic sexual content, some graphic nudity, and language

Dakota Johnson : Dakota why why? Dakota has shown she can deliver great work in films such as Black Mass and a bigger splash she's proven she can act. So why can't she act at all in these films makes me puzzled honestly.  Her work in this film is I hate to say but I'm not sugar coating it she's terrible. She gives such a wooden and lifeless performance you don't believe any emotion that is being shown or delivered onscreen her line delivery Had no life to it and the Chemistry with her and her co-star James was horrendous. Dakota I hope in the last one you will act better as you are a good actress and can do so much better then what you have given us in these two films overall Dakota gives a truly terrible performance that could of been so much better.

James Foley : James what happened to you? This director gave us one of the best casted and acted films Glengarry Glen Ross  so what happened? James has fallen far to of given us such a poorly directed film. James I'm sad to say you made a mess writ this film with giving little to none interest of  what was going on within the plot the performances from the cast were shallow as a kids pool and a terrible pace for the film. It felt like he didn't even try to make a good film if he tried and failed ok I understand that but at least he tried but here it doesn't even look like he attempted to try and make a good film which makes it worse. The film falls short of entertainment and gives truly disappointing direction from a once great director.

The Lighting : the lighting was so bright and had this faded feel to it that both films have had. The tones in the film colour wise is very bright and had this orange and gold feel to the frame that just gets annoying and never changes even when the shift in emotion of the scene shifts and it is just bad.


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