Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Movie Review : Wakefield

This is a truly remarkable film! This film sadly has been overload due to the big blockbusters getting released its harder to find the smaller films. Which this film is carried along with a truly terrific performance from Bryan Cranston who delivers one of the best performances he has ever given. The film is incredibly compelling to watch such a interesting and fresh story. Wakefield is a film everyone should see if you want to see great storytelling or a great performance from Cranston Wakefield is a triumph!

This film is about a man who when on his way home one night when shooing away a Racoon stumbles on in the garage and sees his family and how they function without him their. Soon he becomes fascinated with that and lives in the attic for a loving period of time seeing how they function without him putting his life on pause for a moment but once he starts it he finds it is harder to come home then he thought

Rated R : language and some sexual material

Bryan Cranston : Bryan gives a tremendous performance in this film! Bryan is one of my favourite actors and has been doing great work with Trumbo, All The Way, and why him just to name a few. Bryan always try's new things and raises the bar every time which he dose so incredibly well with his work in this film. Bryan plays a man who is tired of doing the day to day routine and wants to just press pause on life and take a break and we see the outlook this man has and how he spirals out of control in many ways. Bryan is able to showcase all of that in the film so well bringing such emotion and depth to his performance stealing each frame delivering a truly solid performance. Cranston is able to mix so much different emotions in this character which was great to see because then we get to see so many layers of his character and Bryan really explores that. He in the beginning is really looking at what he's doing in a comedic sense then further the film goes we see him become more bleak and cynical and the transition is just outstanding. The transition he makes isn't just emotional but psychical his appearance from the beginning to the end of the film is totally changed he truly gives a transformative performance becoming this character getting under his skin. When Bryan speaks you hear truth in his words he brings these words to life with his delivery giving it such compelling truth to it. He plays such a complex character that it is a playground for Bryan and he explores every depth of his character as deep as he can giving a truly incredible performance that will have you talking about his work in this film all year. Bryan never feels like he is phoning in a performance ever in his work and in this film he is committed one hundred percent to the screen theirs no false note in his work in the film. When you see his eyes and the sheer emotion in his face no dialogue  is needed to understand what he's trying to get across to the audience emotionally just his emotion in his face can show us what he wants us to know and that takes true talent to be able to do that. Overall Bryan delivers one of the best performances of his career giving a truly fantastic performance.

Robin Swicord : Robin gives exceptional work on this film! Robin is a filmmaker I am unfamiliar with but who's writing work I have heard of but not as a director. After seeing this film I would love to see her do more films as director because her talent shows in this film. She was able to craft together a compelling story and be able to bring such a different style and a original take that felt like something we haven't seen before. She also brought together w great cast of actors in this film getting great performances from the cast. Her ability to use narration as a key point in the film was impressive that not always pays off but she was able to use it so effectively in the film it was perfect. Secondly her ability to balance the comedy and drama was great not making it to funny but not to bleak just the right amount of both. Lastly she just was able to give us something new with great performances and w great story which is what you want to see from a director overall great direction.

The Cinematography : The use of the camera was great in the film. For the most part the man character is in an attic so we don't get much more of an environment to see really but the camera was able to work within those restrictions and use different angles and ways of presenting shots to make it really smooth camerawork. I loved the overheard shots used and pop shots just the way it was shot was very well done I loved it.


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