Monday, July 17, 2017

Movie Review : To The Bone

To The Bone
This is an emotional hitting film that will leave you in tears and speechless. This film is incredible for its ability to show eating disorders for how it is without glamorizing it or showing it in any positive light whatsoever. As well the film is incredibly well acted from a truly outstanding performance from Lily Collins she's fantastic in the film along with its great supporting cast as well. The film also has great talent from Keanu Reeves and Alex Sharp. Everyone should check this film out its truly fantastic and worth watching from how incredibly well they Handel the subject matter along with the terrific acting In the film To The Bone is one of the years best!

The film is about a girl named Ellen who has a eating disorder and goes to seek help her doctor tells her to go to seek help at a home a place where other kids share the same Inness as her and their she finds a silver lining and goes on a journey of self discovery

Rated R : language throughout, disturbing images

Lily Collins : Lily Collins is a revaluation in this film! Lily as you know impressed me with another film she did this year in Okja. With this film she really raises the bar and truly shows sides of her we haven't seen before and she leaves me speechless with her work in this film. She plays a girl with a eating disorder and she could of made her performance really comedic and jokey but she doesn't she try's to give the most accurate portrayal of someone with a eating disorder and it's incredible. She gave a transformative performance and I truly mean that when you see her in the film she is so skinny to the point where you see her back muscles and spine. She really got into the role and really wanted to give justice to this role and she dose so very well. When she spoke in the film you truly felt like she meant it and it was coming from a real place Lily even admitted she struggled with a eating disorder in her personal life so their is so much genuine emotion you see from her in this film. When she says that she can't go on you believe her the red colour in her eyes and the bags under her eyes you believe her one hundred percent. She was committed to every scene giving it her all showing so many layers of herself we haven't seen. Sure we have seen her sad angry and happy in previous films of hers but in this film it was different. She just really seemed so real onscreen and genuine you can't take your eyes off of her. She gave so many emotions in the film that make you cry sometimes laugh and just feel for her she was able to showcase all of that in her performance which was incredible. Lily Collins gives career best work in this film giving one of the best performances I've seen all year she is incredible giving a raw, emotional, transformative performance that should be noticed.

Keanu Reeves : Keanu gives one of his best performances in recent years with his great work in this film. Keanu is a incredible actor known for his action films mostly with point break and the matrix as his most well known work. But me I haven't seen him do a more serious or dramatic role before and after seeing what he did with his role in the film I want to see him do more dramas because he's incredible in the genre. Keanu plays a doctor and he isn't your usual Doctor he is very blunt and straight Ford and calls things for how it is and that's part of what made Keanu so great was his ability to say what people were thinking but were to scared to say. He shows a great range of emotions in the film he is able to walk the fine line of being not comedic but funny to a certain degree but also show some more smaller moments and more dramatic moments without it being to loud or over the top. When he's talking to Collins in the film and he is giving her advice you see that he really wants to help her and he means what he is saying and you can see in his eyes and his tone that he believes it giving a genuine performance. He isn't in the film for a huge portion of it but enough to make a impact on the film and for you to really notice his character and great performance which is being presented onscreen. Keanu just gives one of his best performances I've seen in a very long time and I hope he can showcase his talent in this film more I would love to see more dramatic work from him. Overall Keanu gives a terrific supporting performance in this film.

Alex Sharp : Alex Sharp really impressed me with his work in the film. Alex is an actor who I'm unfamiliar with and I haven't seen any of his previous work but after seeing what he did in this film I will check his work out and see what he dose next because he's brilliant in this film. Alex plays a teenager with a eating disorder and when he first comes onscreen he's really more light hearted and funny which I was worried at first. I thought he was going to try and make something funny out of a topic that shouldn't be funny but he doesn't do that. He has his witty moments for sure but he's more optimistic then his his comedic and I really found that refreshing to see. He is able to get you invested in his character as well as showing great emotion from his character as well. Their are moments where he is really having a tough time and he is so real onscreen and raw it's great but then he can go back to being that optimistic positive one in an instant. That is what I was impressed with the most was his ability to peel so many layers of emotion and his character back switching from witty to serious and he makes the transitions through both emotions so smooth and brilliant. He's able to switch back and forth making it seem effortless. Overall Alex gives a entertaining supporting performance in this film.

Marti Noxon : Marti gives remarkable direction with this film. This director I've seen her previous material before but more of her writing side such as I am number four and fright night but damn can she direct a film. She wrote really great films in the past but I have to say what she dose with this film tops all of her previous work hands down. She was able to craft a story about a serious topic that isn't easy to talk about and make it informative and show how scary and disturbing it is without being to dark but also showing how you can live and be positive with that illness. Giving us likeable characters and a well written story. As well as her direction she writes and directs this film. From the directing wow she was great what I loved the most with what she did was not make it upbeat because she could of easily of made this a teenage flick making it funny dealing with this serious topic and she doesn't go that route she shows it for how it is not sugar coating it or glamorizing it in any light whatsoever and I truly loved how she handled that. As well she was able to bring a positive light to it showing that even though it's hard and it won't be easy you can find happiness living with it and I love how she showcase that onscreen. As well as getting truly terrific performances from her cast across the bored outstanding work from her actors. Overall Marti gives the closest to what it's like to live with an eating disorder showing it for what it is and she knocks it out of the park by how she handles such a tough topic with her truly terrific writing and direction.

The Lighting : The tones of grey in the film were greatly used. In the film it's not a colourful film because the subject matter is incredibly serious so the tones of colours it went for was this dark grey but not to dark. It was able to show very little colour and I loved how the matched the tone of the scene with the lighting perfectly great job guys.

The Cinematography : The camerawork in this film is brilliant! In the film their is truly great camera work that shouldn't go unnoticed. Their were many wide shots that were incredible to see. It was able to capture the great scope of the picture filling up the whole screen with the scenery and its ability to show great scenes from different angles I loved it great job guys.

The Score : The music in this film is gorgeous! The music in the film composed for this film is truly incredible. It was very soft for the most part then would progressively go louder depending on the scene and the emotion of the scene it matched it greatly giving the right sound and just giving truly a beautiful score I loved it.


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