Sunday, July 16, 2017

Movie Review : The Circle

The Circle
This film is so disappointing! The circle was one of the film's I was really looking forward to when I first saw the trailer. From what I saw it seemed like it could be something similar to minority report or in time which were really interesting concept films. As well the cast seemed perfect with great actors such as Emma Watson in the title role along with Tom Hanks and Bill Paxton's last role. So I said to myself what could go wrong right well from what I saw seems like a lot did.

First off I would like to express when this film came out the movie got a lot of hate and negative feedback from critics and audiences now is it as bad as people are putting it out to be yes I would have to say I agree and I will tell you why. The film suffers from many reasons and I'll break each one down.

First off the film had a problem and annoying really to me when a scene or character would get really fascinating and you want to find out more the scene needs and instead goes to these smaller more quiet moments which is fine but it dose it so much that theirs no tension so the film never amounts to anything which leads me to my second point. The film builds upon layers of context and dialogue with interesting things but it never amounts to anything it never executes or has any sense of conflict or tension to keep you entertained. The film felt very slow the pacing was so slow that you just want the scenes to pick up or something exciting to occur but what you get is people just talking for the entire film with no real excitement and the drag it out which gets tiring.

Another issue was the lack of interests of the characters onscreen sure we know a bit of the lead character which the film is about. But what about Tom Hanks or the supporting characters the film suffers from presenting characters we find interesting then never shows up onscreen again or has very little screen time. So the characters felt shallow and has noting for you to grasp onto or connect with towards the characters.

Lastly, the film suffers from its constant need to remind us of what something is or what is going on their is no sense of self discovery. That's a problem I have when films do this is when it feels like it needs to explain its narrative to you every five seconds so you know what happening. I get that but if you tell me constantly then what's the point of watching it when we the audience can't experience it. The circle had a fascinating and terrifying look at technology and it could of been a truly fantastic film but sadly results in shallow characters, slow pacing and no excitement the circle is disappointing and a film you will not remember by the end of the year.

The film is about a girl named Mae who is hired to work at this big technology company known as the circle who's goal is to connect people and always know where they are and what their doing. But is that the right course or has privacy truly been taken away.

Rated PG - 13 : for a sexual situation, brief strong language and some thematic elements.

Emma Watson : Emma Emma Emma what happened! Emma is one of my fwb oeuvre actors since the potter films to really branch out and establish herself as a solid actor. Giving us great work in perks of being a wallflower, the bling ring and my week with Marilyn. I respect her as an actress and as a person but I'm sorry she was not good in this film. In the movie Emma plays Mae a woman who is driven to become successful and really make a mark on the world. The way she portrays this character is very shallow and she gives us a one note performance without much depth or emotion to be entertained by. When she's onscreen she's fine but this is not her best work she disappointed me because no matter what she's in big or small role she's always incredible in it but in this it felt like she was just chugging along and going off the script not brining anything to her performance. I was very let down from her because I know she is better then this and she can do so much better. When she dose express emotions it feels forced like she doesn't believe what she's feeling or believing the dialogue she's speaking theirs no sense of real emotion or depth to her. It isn't all her fault that the film is bad but she could of tried harder to give a better performance to try and save the film sadly she Doesn't. Overall Emma gives a dull and shallow performance.

James Ponsoldt : James what went wrong! James is a great director who's precious work I loved with the spectacular now which he did a terrific job with. But this film he just could keep the balls in the air and it resulted in a mess of a film. What really made me sad was his lack of using the great actors he had more onscreen Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton all are onscreen for 8 minutes at the most which is sad. You have such great actors use them I feel like he sidelined them and we could of seen so much more from them that could of made this film better and we could of seen more from their characters. He also has the film move so slow without any real friction or conflict which resulted in me just getting bored from watching people talk in meetings non stop. It felt like a series of scenes just lumped together without a story. I was let down by his ability to execute such a well written novel and gave us a dull and bland film. I am sad to say but most of the reason the film is so bad is due to the lack of creativity or ability to craft a entertaining film from the director helming the film. I really think he could do better we've seen it I think he was the wrong director for this film. I think Ridley Scott or Steven Spielberg should of done this film. This film was poorly directed and could of been done properly under different hands from someone who cares about the source material. James have poor direction on his part.

The Score : the music in the film felt very soft and mellow but never was able to amount to anything. It was the same tone the entire time but never was able to fully match the scenes emotion or what it was trying to say so it felt mismatched and resulted in a score that felt so out of place.


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