Monday, July 24, 2017
Movie Review : The Big Sick
This film is terrific film everyone should go check out! This film has so many layers and tones and they explore them so greatly throughout the film. They have splashes of comedy, drama and romance and all those tones intertwining to deal with multiple issues and it's greatly executed onscreen. As well the performances given from the cast are terrific from Kumail Nanjiani to people like Holly Hunter and Ray Romano the acting is terrific in the film. The film also packs so much heart and gives the audience something fresh and original which is so nice. The film doesn't try to be a comedy or a drama or romance it has the perfect keel of all three of them and ifs incredible. The Big Sick is truly a terrific film that is one of the best and most charming films of the year everyone should go see.
This film is about a stand up who's family has moved from Pakistan to America and his family is very strict on him having an arranged marriage but when he falls for an American girl and she falls sick he will do whatever he can to be their for her even against his family's wishes while trying to survive in stand up
Rated R : lanauge including some sexual references
Kumail Nanjiani : Kumail gives a truly terrific performance in this film! Before seeing this film I did not know who this actor was or even heard of him or seen any of his previous work prior to seeing the film. After seeing what he did in this film I will definitely check out his past work and keep an eye out for him because he gives truly brilliant work in this film. He plays a comedian struggling trying to get through the ranks and then stumbles upon a girl one night at one of his gigs. Now he could of easily of played the role quirky and just really straight without much depth but he dose the Polar opposite he brings such layers and emotional depth to his performance that you get to see such great range from Kumail and great emotion from his character as well. He doesn't play his character on a one note performance he gives so many different emotions and I loved that in some scenes without even trying he could give the best come back or joke. His timing comedically is fantastic in the film but so is his more serious moments too. Their is a scene in a drive thru at a fast food joint and you hear him screaming and just yelling to the top of his lungs you know it's not about the food but about what he is going through I didn't figure that out from the scene but just from his emotion alone and how he was able to get you to understand and know what he is going through from his raw emotion. And it never got tiring he would switch it then can be charming so it was great to see such a wide range from him. He was so charming and likeable you can't help but want to see more of him he just really impressed me with this film. He brings the laughs the comedy the flare of romance in his performance he brings it all and makes it look so effortless. Overall a terrific performance from Kumail and watch out for him he truly is a force to be reckoned with from his great talent.
Ray Romano : Ray gives a terrific supporting turn in this film! As we all probably know Ray from his series everybody loves Raymond so we all know how well he can do comedy. For me I haven't really seen Ray explore the more serious dramatic arena with his acting before and I can tell you his work in this is outstanding and I hope he dose more roles like this because he was great in this film. In the movie he plays the father of the girlfriend and he could of easily of been the comedic and more light hearted character very easily. At first I'll be honest I thought he was going in that direction and he doesn't which was so refreshing to see. He plays this character with such complexity and emotion it's amazing to watch. I say that not just for the sake of it but in a scene he can be just incredibly witty and have great comedic delivery and then in the next be stone cold quiet and just give chilling serious moments. So the way he as able to show a range of different emotions was spectacular to watch and just to see him explore places us the audience haven't seen him do before which was great to watch. He also never was onscreen more then he had to with some supporting characters they are onscreen for the majority of the film I like how he's onscreen for a limited amount of time then he goes away but he was able to take the screen time he has and make you remember him with his great onscreen work and presence. Overall Ray gives a truly terrific supporting turn that shouldn't go unnoticed
Holly Hunter : Holly gives a terrific supporting performance in this film. Holly Hunter is a well known actress who we all can say is incredibly talented in whatever she's in and this film is just another great addition to great work she's given. Holly plays a mother well more specifically the mother of the girlfriend and so she doesn't come in until much later on in the film but damn dose she make her presence known onscreen. When she's in a scene light hearted scene or not she draws you in with her ability to chew up the scenery in the scene that's happening and she commits one hundred percent giving her all. At first I thought she wasn't going to like the lead character and just be really mean to him but as the film progresses you see her characters layers peel back and you get to see so many different sides to her which was fantastic. She can be incredibly funny in one scene and then be able to transition her loud great big comedy into more smaller quiet scenes and I love that her ability to transition so fast so quick and so smoothly while making it look effortless. Theirs no false note in her performance when you see her in the film the look in her eyes the way she delivers dialogue she just is so genuine in her performance you can't take your eyes off of her overall Holly gives a truly terrific supporting performance.
Zoe Kazan : Zoe gives great work in this Film! Zoe is known for doing comedy's and Romantic comedy's like What If which to me is incredibly underrated. But she knows how to work within the spaces off Romantic comedy, Dramas very well and she dose so here great work once again. In the film she plays a girlfriend to the main character she dose not have as much screen time as the other stars in the film because she's in a coma for most of it but with the screen time she dose have she makes the most of. With incredibly strong emotions really showcasing raw emotions and getting wrapped up in every scene. When you see her in the film you feel like she's lived inside that character that she knows what it's like to be this person and it just makes for a more compelling and entertaining performance you won't forget. She also has some great comedy in the film too giving great timing and really making me laugh overall Zoe gives a great supporting performance in the film.
Michael Showalter : What great direction from Michael! This director I am familiar with he has penned some films such as the wet hot American summer films that were great so I know he can write comedy well but can he direct it? Yes he can he did a brilliant job with this film and I'll break down each reason why he dose. First off he was able to crack the Romantic comedy genre and show that you can have romance, Comedy and drama in a film and really have time for each tone one not outweighing the other. He dose that brilliantly with this he also was able to showcase and let us connect to each character onscreen no matter how big or small their role was he got you to connect with everyone not just putting people in a scene and having them disappear without proper context. He as well got great performances from his cast and cast the right actors for the right roles it just fell into place so perfectly. Lastly I loved how he was able to take a heavy plot line and surrounded it with comedy and romance it just is so refreshing and original and keep all those balls in the air with so many themes I loved it. Overall Michael was able to tell a story filled with so much heart and laughs and tears he delivers one all levels what truly great direction.
The Lighting : the tones in the film were very colourful and I loved that! The. Tones were a splash of yellow and blue mixed and the result is great it really matches the tones greatly and the emotional aspect of the scene as well. It doesn't stay one tone it also is grey it changes it up and dose not stay the same which I loved it was able to match the style perfectly.
The Score : The music was very soft and light I loved it! What I loved about this score is it didn't have to be cheesy and over the top romantic or dramatic either it plays with both those tones and results in a soft light melody that is just beautiful to the ears and matches the picture perfectly I loved it.
Labels:movie review,The Big Sick
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