Saturday, July 8, 2017

Movie Review : The House

The House
This movie is disappointing! I went into this film not expecting a stellar film but just a fun comedy with these great comedic actors on their game sadly even these great comedic heavyweights couldn't save this film. The Stars one of my favourite Comedic actors Will Ferrell but I was sadly let down by his performance that just came off as forced comedy as well as most of the comedy in this film felt forced and awkward at times. I didn't laugh much I probably  laughed three times and to have that little amount of laughter from a comedy film where it's main job is to get you to laugh and it can't theirs a peoblem.

The premise for the film was very interesting and I was into the plot and the story at hand but it's the execution that didn't do the story justice or work in any sense of the word. The comedy when it was placed their felt very forced like they are pushing so hard for you to laugh it's not funny or just awkward so then it results in them trying to hard. As well the delivery from the actors felt very bland when they spoke they sounded like they were reading directly off the script and not giving an authenticity or realism to what their saying so it felt very bland to me. Overall a story that was well thought up had the great potential to be great with these great actors as well sadly they executed the film on the wrong note of a film that could of been great.

This film is about two parents that result in running a illegal underground casino when they realize they don't have enough money to put their daughter through to college so they run a casino to raise the money

Rated R :language throughout, sexual references, drug use, some violence and brief nudity

Will Ferrell : Will really let me down with this film! Will is a comedic genius who has given us films like Elf, Anchorman and so many other great characters that you can't help but love him. That's why it hurt so much seeing him in this film because when he's in it he's trying so hard to get the jokes to land and it doesn't land they just come off as to forced or awkward and it's so cringe worthy. Will had moments in the film that had me laughing I'll give him that but for the most part he was really one note to me and I hate to say that about an actor I really love. But he just didn't show me much of his character he did the same thing thought it the film not giving any other side to his character he just uses this running gag through the entire film and it gets annoying. He also shared the screen with Amy Poehler an actress who's another great Comedic genius but I don't know what happened here their connection onscreen came off weird, forced and very awkward and they just didn't jell for me in the film. Overall Will your a great actor I know you are talented but really let me down with this performance you can do so much better then what we got in this film.

Andrew Jay Cohen : Andrew disappointed me with his work on this film hugely! I am a fan of Andrews work from his writing wide he's written mike and Dave need wedding dates, neighbours both films I enjoyed. This is the first film he directed so naturally if he wrote two comedies that were enjoyable he could do the same with helming a film right? Not at all I hate to say his talent as a director just isn't their he made the comedy really awkward and forced executing a premies that was really interesting in such poor taste and just bringing a great cast and misusing them in every possible way. He had moment of comedy but for the most part it just didn't land and was hard to watch Andrew tried so hard to make the comedy go that he didn't focus on the plot at hand and that's why it suffered so hugely. Overall Andrew gave a terrible first film for a director please stick to writing your good at that.

The Lighting : The tones were very colourful! Now this I'll say I liked I loved their mix of various colours that really made the film stand out and bring such life to the screen. It was vibrant and colourful and I loved how it fit the tone of it all I loved that overall good job for that guys.

The Soundtrack : the music is tunes all the way! The music for this is your typical comedy music just upbeat pop music to place in a film to get you to dance or tap along to not that memorable in my opinion.


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