Thursday, July 6, 2017

Movie Review : Baby Driver

Baby Driver
This film is one of the best films of the year and truly a film people will be talking about years to come! This film doesn't let up for a moment the second the film starts it doesn't stop until the credits roll it is a pure adrenaline rush that is so much fun. The film has as well one of the best assembled and performed cast all year from great talent as Jamie Foxx,Kevin Spacey, Lily James, Jon Hamm, and Ansel Elgort the performances are fantastic everyone lights up the screen with their work in this film no matter how big or small their role is everyone commits and is fantastic their was no bad performance in this film.

The writer and director behind this outstanding film Edgar Wright gives truly his best work in this film. I've watched all of Wrights films and their so good he has a style that is so unique and fresh but he has outdone himself with this film. Giving truly incredible storytelling and sharp writing Wright has crafted one of the best films on years that will stun and amaze you this in my opinion is Wrights best work to date.

The film has as well incredible music that is woven into the film and not just put their for you to dance or tap to its worked into the story so well and it's perfect. The film is well acted well paced and well executed giving a truly entertaining film that is a masterpiece you will remember and want to see again and again.

Rated R : for violence and language throughout

This film is about a driver named baby who listens to music due to a terrible incident as a kid so he listens to music to drown it out due to the hum in his ear and how he puts his skills to use by crime but it's not as easy as he thought it would be to leave that life

Ansel Elgort : Ansel truly shines in this film giving a career turning performance! Ansel is known for his charming good looks and playing in teenage friendly films such as divergent and the fault in our stars. What he dose so well in this film is using his acting abilities to branch out and show people he can do other things more serious material and he dose so greatly in this film. Ansel really shows the audience how he can expand his acting range and showcase real raw emotions which he taps into in this film so very well it's amazing to watch onscreen. In the film he plays this driver who had a traumatic event happen as a kid and has a hum in his ear and plays music to drown it out. What he did so well for the first part of the film he's very quiet and doesn't talk when he needs to but right off the bat just from his emotion in his face and what he's shown us five minutes in we already feel like we know him. When he dose talk he is so gentle and calm but that's the great thing about his work in this he can switch that so fast and be really intense but then be charming the next its extraordinary. What I loved about his work in this was his ability to go dark and go intense and not hold back when you see it you believe him one hundred percent their was not one moment I didn't believe him or wasn't gripped by his work in this. When he was dealing with the business side he could bring such a darkness to his eyes and intensity you can't take your eyes off of him but then when he's with his girl he's so soft and different he has such smooth transitions of emotions that are terrific. I loved that we got to see so many layers of emotions from Ansel we haven't seen before and I hope we can see more of it moving forward because he's truly terrific in serious material overall Ansel impressed me and really gave a truly memorable performance that people will talk about.

Jamie Foxx : Jamie gives his best work in this film since collateral! Now Jamie is one of my favourite actors he's one of the actors if he's in a bad movie no matter what he's the best part because he never phones in his performance he always commits and that's what I love about him. Why I say his work in this is as good as his performance in collateral it's because it is he shines in this movie giving a terrifying supporting turn we haven't seen from him before. Now I know what your going to say didn't he go dark for Django yes he did but not this kind of dark. The depth and darkness he brought to this was chilling but I couldn't look away from him he was just so compelling to watch. The way Jamie was able to get in the skin of this character and truly become this Role was incredible. He just gave the best delivery with his lines making it funny but also intimidating that's also what he did so well he was able to balance that witty humour while being dark at the same time and it worked so well. What was so good about his work in this was he could be all jokes then in literally seconds steal the frame from the intensity and make the hairs on your skin stand up he really showcases his range and great talent in this film. He also is so unpredictable and you don't know what he will do next and that's what I love about him in the film he constantly keeps you on edge and it's brilliant. When he spoke he made it feel genuine and real not like he was just reading it from the script he brought the dialogue to life with his great delivery in the film. Overall Jamie gives a truly entertaining performance that is truly one of his best performances in years.

Jon Hamm : Jon gives a brilliant supporting performance in this film. Hamm is known for his work on the small screen for his iconic role in Mad Men. So we know he can showcase his serious muscles but he really stands out in this film and is so brilliant from the moment he's onscreen your drawn to his character. What Jon was able to do so well in this film was showcase such great depth and emotion to his character and peel back so many layers of his character that we got to see sides of Jon that we haven't seen before and it's so entertaining. For the most part he plays it so quiet and calm but he isn't afraid to change it up because he shows so many other sides such as anger and just intimidation he plays it with such realism he commits to every frame giving such a believable and strong performance you can't help but be blown away from how great he is in this film. Jon surprised me work his work in the film and really holds his own among the great actors in this film giving his share of great work in the film that shouldn't be overlooked because he is truly fantastic in this film.

Kevin Spacey : Kevin gives his best work since American Beauty with his great supporting performance in this film. Kevin is one of the hardest and best actors of his generation with his incredible range as an actor giving great performances from so many genres showcasing his great talent. Which he delivers here but I haven't seen him so into a role since his Oscar winning role and American Beauty and he reminds people why he's an Oscar winner with his work in this film because he's brilliant from start to finish in this great film. Kevin doesn't have as big as a part as I thought he would but from the screen time he is given he truly makes the most of it and shines in every scene he's in with great acting chops. He plays a mentor like character to Ansel and you never really know what side he's on and that's what I loved was Kevin's ability to gripping the audience with his great range to keep you thinking of he is good or not and he dose it so well. He is able to be upfront and straight at times but them can show a softer side to and it's great to watch because he has this character arc we get to watch and it's fantastic. He gives his all in every scene he is in and showcases truly great emotion showing us why we love Kevin as an actor and really shines through in this small but incredible supporting performance that shouldn't go unnoticed he's truly terrific in the film giving us great layers of emotions and depth that is amazing to see. Overall Kevin is one top of his game with his great work in this film.

Lily James : Lily gives a great supporting performance in this film! As we all know Lily is well known and most iconically known for her work in Cinderella. So when I heard she was in this I got excited because we haven't seen her really do serious material and wow dose she knock it out of the park in this film. Much like Spacey she has a smaller screen time compared to her other co stars but just enough  to make you notice her and impress you with her great performance in the film. Lily was able to give a character arc performance and what I mean by that is her ability to be someone different by the end of the film she goes through this transition emotionally and it's great. In the beginning she's very upbeat and all smiles then as the film plays out we see her show more of her dramatic range and her character isn't the same as she was in the beginning. Which is great because then we get to see so many layers of her character and from her emotion as well which was fantastic. We got to see her upbeat self but also her more serious emotions and she dose it very well really committing to the scene and giving her all she's surprisingly brilliant in the film. Overall lily gives a great supporting turn in this film.

Eiza Gonzalez : Eiza is truly fantastic in this small but incredible supporting performance! This actor I am very unfamiliar with and after see her work in this I will check out her future material because she's great in this film. In this film she plays Jon Hamm's wife and she really holds her own in the film with her great line delivery really bringing the dialogue to life with such believability and great charm. She was able to be so flirty and innocent but then could be really chilling the next. Theirs one specific scene she really dominates the screen in and she makes it look so effortless but her switch in tones was amazing and it's a great performance that is very entertaining to watch. She is able to really capture the screen with her great onscreen presence giving a terrific supporting performance that shouldn't go unnoticed.

Edgar Wright : Edgar knocks it out of the park with his writing and direction giving one of the best directed and written films in years! I have been impressed time and time again by Wright's style of direction and his ability to give original story's and capture such fun but here he has truly outdone himself with his work on this film. He was able to craft such a compelling and original story with sharp dialogue with emotional depth and weight for each character. Surrounded with great action and drama one not out weighing the other but making it equal giving the best amount of both. He also was able to cast great actors getting extraordinary performances across the bored no matter how big or small everyone shines in this film. On top of that he gave the music purpose and didn't just put it in their he gives it great meaning and he puts  it into the story so well. His style of action comedy and drama the mic was perfect and resulted in one of the most fun films I've had in years thanks to his fearless direction and incredible fresh storytelling. Edgar was great with the action sequences making them feel like a dance and they would always too the last one and he didn't even use CGI or green screen all the action sequences were practical which is very old school and not many do that anymore which made the film better and feel more real. Edgar is one of the best directors working today  and this film will prove to people he's a force to be reckoned with and can capture great drama as well as great action without one out weighting the other as well as giving truly great storytelling. Edgar gives one of the best directed and written films since Pulp Fiction.

The Lighting : The tones in the colour pallet were fantastic! It had this gold feel to the film that really worked and made the frame pop out. It also was able to mix that colours with many others making the film feel very vibrant and colourful and work itself into the emotion of the scene and match the style of it I loved it very well done guys.

The Cinematography : The camerawork in this film is terrific! The camerawork foe the action sequences were pulse pounding. What the camera captured so well was the intensity of the scene and made it feel like such an adrenaline rush due to the ability to capture the scene so well. As well it felt very smooth and didn't feel like multiple angles for one sequence which I loved it was very smooth on its transitions and I loved that great work guys.

The Editing : The editing on this film is the best since the big short! The editing on this film is spectacular dubbing the music into the actors voice and just having this quick cut feel to it that made it go very fast paced but worked so well for what the style and story was going for. It had a rapid speed to it that just was so well done and unique the editing really stood out to me and is probably the best editing I've seen all year and something people should notice it's incredible I loved every moment of it.

The Soundtrack : The music in this film is great! The soundtrack what is great about it as I mentioned it works itself into the story and not just feeling like its thrown in for the sake of it theirs a purpose for it and I loved that. As well the choices of songs they had worked for the scene and style of the film it will have you smiling and taping along to these great tracks.


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