Friday, May 8, 2015

Movie Review : Silver Linings Playbook

Silver Linings Playbook
This is the best film of 2012! From the pitch perfect performances by Lawrence&Cooper and the heartwarming storyline makes this film a must see for anyone who likes a good movie. It also helps express an accurate look at Bipolar illness. This film is a personal favourite of mine see this move I cannot express it enough.

Pat is released from a mental institution after a accident and plans on putting  his life back together. Then when he encounters a girl named Tiffany they share a electric connection that changes his world for the best.

Rated R : Strong language, sexual content

Bradley Cooper :  Bradley is absolutely amazing in this role! Bradley broke off from all those romantic comedy's and went into dramas which he can excel in perfectly. Bradley plays a entertaining character who has Bipolar and gives a great portrayal of it. He shows how the mood swings can switch drastically and the way Cooper showed it was great he didn't lie and try to sugar coat it he shows it as it is. It was nice seeing him in more dramatic roles  because he can really tap into his more emotional side and it's very refreshing because he express himself better. The chemistry he had onscreen with Jennifer was fantastic seemed so real loved their connection onscreen. They really fed off each other well they work incredibly well together. Overall loved his Performance Oscar worthy at it's best.

Jennifer Lawrence :  Her best performance to date! Before viewing this film I haven't heard much of her except for her role in Winters Bone. So when I saw her in this film I was blown away by her ability to express her emotions in such a deep way and give a entertaining performance. After I saw the film the first thing I said was she's going to win the Oscar for this fearless performance and she did. When she was onscreen she stole the screen with her great dialogue and amazing  onscreen screen chemistry with Bradley Cooper. Such a young actress bringing a intense performance like this was brilliant. She showed different layers of emotions of her character which is great we get to see different sires to her that we haven't seen before. All around one of the best female performances by an actress I've ever seen.

Robert De Niro : His best performance since Casino! Robert De Niro is a household name in Hollywood. He brings 100% of himself in every role he plays. In this film he plays a father addicted to Football and betting problem and the way De Niro played it you believed he aurally had that problem and it wasn't being acted it felt real. Which is amazing that the actor is able to provide such a clear performance that it seems real. He just became the character he got so wrapped up in every moment you believe what he is saying he means it. He deserved the Oscar for best actor in a supporting role for his performance in this film. Overall an a outstanding performance by De Niro once again.

David O. Russell : David is one of the greatest directors working in the business today. He's created some of the greatest films over the past few years The Fighter,  Three Kings and American Hustle. He always gets the greatest performances out of his actors set with a intriguing and well written storyline. In this film he captures the audience with great writing brilliant emotional all all around great performances from the cast. What makes it so special is because he's able to tell story's of people's lives and what goes on in it and the way he tells that in this film fantastically. Out of all the directors in Hollywood working today he deserves a directing Oscar the most he well deserves it.

The Lighting :  Very bright and colourful loved the technique they used brought the picture to life and really got it to shine through Loved it great job guys.

The Cinematography : Some worth mentioning shots! When their dancing at the end of the film you can feel the spark and connection between them and the angles and shots they used to capture that was perfect. Great job guys loved it.

The Score : The music Incorporated into this film was majestic! It had great volumes and expressed the scene it helped set the tone nicely. A great track they have in it is called "Buffalo" it's brilliant great music all around loved it.

Editors Note
At the 85th Academy Awards Silver Linings Playbook Received The Following Win And Nominations
Win - Best Actress - Jennifer Lawrence
Nominated - Best Actor - Bradley Cooper
Nominated - Best Supporting Actor - Robert De Niro
Nominated - Best Supporting Actress - Jackie Weaver
Nominated - Best Director - David O. Russell
Nominated - Best Adapted Screenplay - David O. Russell
Nominated - Best Film Editing
Nominated - Best Picture


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