Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Movie Review : The Shining

The Shining
This film is a outstanding work of film in the history of cinema! Stephen King   created a original and fresh story that you cannot compare to anything else. Mixed with Stanley's take on the film results in a extraordinary picture. This film will forever stand the test of time as one of the greatest motion pictures ever created.

A family moves down to a isolated hotel. Where jack the father can spend the next few months with his family and work on his book but when the cabin fever starts to get to him and his family the insanity starts to go off the rails. Will they rip each other apart without anyone knowing or will they stay a peaceful and happy family?

Rated R : adult situations, language, nudity and violence

Jack Nicholson : A intense and disturbing performance by Jack! Jack is known to escape in his role and fully inhabit his character and deliver a scene stealing performance in every film he dose. But he just brings his intensity and acting abilities to the next level and it was marvellous. What he shows in this film is disturbing and just hard to watch. The great emotion and depth he brought to the character was fantastic. The anger and way he got so wrapped up in the moment was pure genius and all around terrifying. It didn't feel much like he was reading the screenplay it felt like he was using he actual emotions making for a more convincing and believable performance overall Oscar worthy performance at it's best.

Danny Lloyd : A brilliant performance from young talent at it's best! Danny is extremely young and didn't expect him to deliver such a rich performance he dose in the film. In a way he stole every scene he was in captivating it with great acting and intense emotion. Not many young actors can deliver a hard and demanding role like this. But he made it look effortless with the look in his eyes to the way he delivered his dialogue he was outstanding. He definitely deserved a Oscar recognition for his performance. Not just because he gives a disturbing performance but it's rare to find young actors who could can commit themselves and leave their comfort zone to approach such a dark story and be able to entertaining onscreen. Such a  huge snub by the Academy on their part overall one of the best performances I have seen by a young actor in a long time.

Stanley Kubrick : The talented visionary leaves his well known trademark on amazing film! Just the way he executed King's classic novel and really brought the eerie and dark tone to the picture was great. He cast the film perfectly to the powerhouse performances from Jack&Danny to the great big beautiful sets. The way he told this chilling story was so genius and well done the film stays with you in your head long after you've seen it. And his style of filmmaking is so passionate and just all around great he's the only person who could direct this film. He gets you so wrapped up in the story and characters that your so into every scene of the film. This film is one of the scariest horror films I've ever seen some may disagree with me but what Kubrick expressed of Kings novel is disturbing. Horror doesn't have to be shown by gore or constant violence. What made the film so chilling was it was psychologically disturbing and that kind of storyline works it has in the past with films such as  Psycho And it resulted in a mega blockbuster hit. Overall Kubrick delivers another perfect piece of cinema.

The Lighting : down to the bone chilling! The tone of the film is so dark so you can expect what kind of tone the film would bring. But it soared way beyond my expectations. The lighting tone was so eerie and dark it just brought this feeling to the screen you wouldn't know what would happen next. The lighting played a massive character in the film amazing job guys loved it.

The Cinematography : Brilliance just pure genius! The shots of the last sequence of the film is so well shot it's probably one of the greatest shot  films ever!  The cinematography just gets you so involved when Danny is going down the halls just how narrow the halls were. It gets you to feel like your in every moment of the film it is a triumph loved it great job guys.

The Score : The music is so well scored and all around terrifying! It played a major character in the film. It set up every scene and the tension and then would get you on edge. Helped explain the scene all around beautiful overall loved the score.


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