Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Movie Review : Don Jon

Don Jon
This film is spectacular! The original take Joseph brought to the film was so refreshing. The performance’s by Joseph and  Scarlett are two of the best performance’s of the year. Overall one of the best films of 2013!
 A young blood  Don Jon he has a addiction to pornography. But one night when he sees this beautiful blonde at the bar. In order for him to win her heart over he’s got to change who he used to be to be. To be the better person he wants to be.
Rated R: Strong Language and Nudity
Joseph Gordon - Levitt  : One of the best performances of his career! Joseph has given good performance after good performance such as 50/50, Looper and the Dark Knight Rises. So there’s no surprise he delivered another rich and entertaining performance. But the difference this one has from the rest is he goes in a place we haven’t seen him explore before. This was nice to see him try something new. We are  used to seeing him in those roles where he’s the sweet guy and the guy who’s there to save the day. He totally changes that image in this film in this film. In this film his character is an addict who lies and is a bit hot headed. The way he played the character was so entertaining the way he spoke, walked and looked he just fully inhabited this character fully. The emotional motive his character had was I want to be with this girl but in order for that to happen I need to change. And the way he shows that onscreen was very well done. When he was Mad or happy you believed him because joseph brings 100% to his character every time. When you watch Levitt in this film you forget your watching him from the voice to the look he just disappeared into the character which was great if you can forget your watching the actor and are just seeing the character their displaying onscreen only really talented people can do that. The chemistry he shares onscreen with Johansson was electrifying. When they were in a scene together the connection they shared just seemed so real, natural and realistic.  Overall another great performance from Levitt once again.
Scarlett Johansson : Scarlett delivers once again another well-acted performance! I have seen a bunch of Scarlett‘s work over the years such as We Bought A Zoo, The Marvel Franchise, The Prestige and so many more. But in this film what I practically enjoyed about her performance is she delivered something were not used to seeing her do. In this film she plays a sexy, smooth girl who gets whatever she wants which we don’t see Scarlett play usually and she made it look effortless.  The accent to the way she walked she nailed the characters persona perfectly. She was able to be emotional in one scene all hurt and cry then be completely  mad and controlling the next so we got to see multiple layers  to her character which was great to see. Overall one of the finest performances of Johansson Career.
Julian Moore :   Moore delivers another entertaining performance once again! Julian doesn’t come in until later in the movie but makes every scene she’s in count. She brought this innocence and sweetness to the character which made her so compelling to watch. She didn’t have a huge role but when she was in a scene you couldn’t take your eyes off her. Her characters motive is I’m kind of awkward but I want to be friends with Jon and the way she delivers this character is heartbreaking. Because she’s just trying to be a good friend but doesn’t talk too much people and Moore just made it all so convincing. Overall loved her performance
Joseph Gordon -  Levitt :   Joseph brought a originality and freshness to this story that’s to good to ignore! This is joseph’s first directed film and he did a excellent job showing interesting characters, great character development and a intriguing storyline. He chose great location to take place in for the film Joseph definitely should direct more films in the future. He brought this different type of filmmaking that just made it intriguing to watch and get invested in the characters.  Just from seeing him direct this film alone he pulled it off so well he should consider directing more. Overall loved his directional debut .
The Lighting : The tone for this film was very modern a romantic comedyish tone. So it was bright but also dark it had this colourful feel to the picture that got film to be rich. Overall loved the tone.
The Cinematography : Their were some worth mentioning shots! When he’s in the car and just walking all over the place it feels like the camera makes you feel like a person walking around with him. It had a great feel to the picture overall loved it.

The Soundtrack: Their were some great song choices in the film but what really stood out was Good Vibrations and just the feel and beat of the song fit the film perfectly. Definitely worth downloading on iTunes.


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