Friday, February 6, 2015

Movie Review : Still Alice

Still Alice
This is a truly fantastic film! The performance Moore gives is truly outstanding and heartbreaking. This film will connect with anyone who has a loved one suffering from Alzheimer's disease or any other disease that's similar to it. This film shows in a very realistic way of how a disease when it effects the person it effects everyone around them and they captured and expressed that onscreen perfectly. This film is truly outstanding.

A Middle Aged woman gets diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and shows her struggle with it. But also with how her family cope with it as well but are their for her no matter what.

Rated PG - 13: for mature thematic material, and brief language including a sexual reference

Julianne  Moore : Moore is a revolution! I have seen some of Julianne's past work such as Game Change, Carrie, and Benny&Joon. So walking into this film I knew she was going to give a outstanding performance. Because she's a great actress but she gave the best performance of her career in this film! She captured the pain and struggle of this horrible disease and portrayed it so well onscreen. She had a incredibly strong emotional drive which was I love my family and want them to know I will try to stay around and be strong as long as I can even though if it gets hard. When she played that onscreen you believed her. The pain and struggle you see on her face the tears all of it she didn't just read it off the page she became the character and used her emotions and put them in the character. Which made for a more entertaining and convincing performance. She gave a honest and realistic performance that what makes it so good. She didn't just read the script and give a average performance and call it a day. No She put herself in the mind of someone who would have Alzheimer's disease. She is nominated for best actress if she doesn't win I have lost all faith in the Academy Awards. Overall a amazing performance by Moore.

Richard Glatzer, Wash Westmoreland : These two directors are great storytellers at their craft! They got you invested in these wonderful characters. They got a powerhouse performance out of Moore. The locations where it was filmed fit the film perfectly, music and cinematography all of it fell into place perfectly. They did a very good job at showing what this disease is and not sugarcoating it in Hollywood glamour. They showed it as it is which brought more realism and depth to the picture which was very well shown. Overall great direction.

The Lighting : It had this really great modern feel to the picture. What it would do is go dark for when she's emotional or sad then go back to its modern looking feel which I thought was very well done. Great gob guys.

The Cinematography : Some worthy mentioning shots! When she's running and she's breathing heavily. You can see the camera kind of blur out of focus so you can feel what's going on inside her head which I thought was very smart. I enjoyed  the camerawork on the film Great job guys.

The Score : Very well composed! The music would express what's going on inside Alice's head. It would go kind of fast but discreetly in a darker scene. Then go to a more happier vibe with low toned music but relaxing. Overall enjoyed the score great job guys

Editors Note
At The 2015 Academy Awards Still Alice Received The Following Nomination
Win - Best Actress -    Julianne  Moore

At The 2015 Golden Globes Still Alice Received  The Following Win
Win - Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama-  Julianne  Moore


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