Thursday, June 19, 2014

Movie Review : Looper

This film is one of the best time traveling / action/ dramas I have seen in a while . The action was non- stop the story was intriguing and fascinating the fantasy behind was amazing . The cast was superb with Joseph Gordon-  Levitt & Bruce Willis. Best time traveling movie I have seen since Source Code.

 Takes place in 2074 when the mob wants to get rid of someone the target is sent into the past. Where a hired hit man named joe   is waiting  to "Close the loop" . One day things didn't go as planned and his real skills get put to the test

Rated R : For strong violence , language , Some Sexuality / Nudity and drug content

Joseph Gordon-Levitt : He is currently one of the best actors in the business . Joseph can play in any role comedy's , action adventure , Si-Fi fantasy , Dramas and more! What he brought to this role was great he plays a hired hit man  by the mob who gets rid of people . I have never seen Joseph in a serious role like this before he puts 100% percent of himself into his characters every time to make the performance more believable and realistic . Their is no surprise in the future if he gets a Oscar nomination from the Academy . Because his acting abilities will take him far . Great performance  .

Bruce Willis : He has officially  returned to the bad - ass roles he did in the 80's . Many people will remember his action hero films he has done in the past such as the Die Hard franchise and Armageddon . He is best when he's the Action hero we have all grown to love . When Bruce & Gordon were in a scene together it was great because their chemistry  they had in the film together came across great. And the action sequences Bruce did in the film were gigantic for a actor who's in his 60's he is still in good shape to still be doing this kind of film.  His lines were so sparkling . It was just so great to see him reprise his Action Hero role. Great performance !

Rian Johnson : from the director who directed 3 episodes of Breaking Bad you know this film is going to be good. The originality he brought to the screen with the futuristic feel to the film was great . The action sequences were always were better then the last . The sparkling dialogue he created for the characters were great . The Suspense he made in the film  was for you to think while watching it what's going to happen next doesn't usually happen very often . He got great performances out of the actors which is always great . Great job!

The Lighting : it was your average blockbuster action / Drama . Great Job!

The Cinematography :  best cinematography since Inception. How they shot the action sequences and built up the suspense was amazing . The way the tried new camera angles I have never seen before was great I loved it .

The Score : Nathan Johnson gave a futuristic upbeat score. It was fun and interesting I loved it!

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