Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Movie Review : Nobody


This is an action packed thrilling ride that needs to be had. This is a film a lot of people will draw similarities to John Wick or even Jason Bourne. As the premise and action choreography is definitely similar but the overall story itself and its character is different.  Bob Odenkirk brings a blue collar style to this high octane action film that really hits you square in the jaw with fantastic action sequences and hilarious dark comedy. 

Firstly, This is a fantastic simplistic revenge tale that I’ve missed seeing. As it’s a very simple story about a man who feels that he could of done better at protecting his family when his house gets invaded one night and then is emotionally conflicted of how he should handle the situation going forward. And it’s fantastic because old fashioned revenge stories like this are a dime a dozen now. Yeah sure they crank them out by the hundreds that go straight to DVD but the ones that actually do something new on the genre it’s not easy. As films like Kill Bill, John Wick, Jason Bourne and even Many all brought a special ingredient that made them so unique in their telling of the story. 

Secondly, Now what Nobody does so well is it’s ability to really tackle something that seems it would have been covered in some other film but hasn’t. Which is if as a man your house got broke into and you didn’t do anything to protect your family but just told them to stay quiet and then everyone around you questions why you didn’t take action how would you deal with that internally. As he feels his masculinity has been hurt and so he seeks to find redemption within himself to get back at the guys that broke into his house. It’s a premise that seems so straightforward and it is but the way it’s executed is freaking genius. As the film doesn’t explode in the over the top action until a good quarter of the way through and when it eventually builds up more and more just like the violent thoughts that go into Hutch’s head spill over in a rush of intense violence on a bus it doesn’t feel like a random act of violence but that it was building up to an explosive moment and when it occurred damn was it satisfying to watch. And the action always has such a satisfying explosion that keeps you engaged the whole time theirs around 3 really big fight scenes and each one is done so well and presented onscreen in such a brutal and engaging fashion where you can’t look away. So the way the film tackles its tones and especially its action sequences is truly brilliant and makes it stand out from your average action flick. 

The performance from Bob Odenkirk is freaking amazing. He brings this very emotionally compressed anger to this suburban man and how his masculinity feels extremely violated after he doesn’t do what he should have when his house gets broken into. Now the way Bob goes about the role is so great as you read so much from just his eyes and the darkness in his face without having to say a word and it’s a fantastic departure for Odenkirk as yes he does better call Saul and breaking bad which are dramas. But to see him go deep into this character psychologically and show so many layers and sides to him was engaging from the moment he walked onscreen. It’s a Brutal performance that is unlike anything Odenkirk has done before and I hope to see him in more roles like this because he was terrific in this film. Then you have other great performances like Christopher Lloyd who plays Bob’s father in a very small but entertaining performance that you can tell Lloyd is having the best time onscreen doing a hard boiled action drama and he lights up the screen with his fantastic energetic charisma. Overall the performances from everyone was solid but it’s the truly dark and hard knuckled performance from Bob Odenkirk that will keep you engaged to the very end. 

Lastly, Nobody is a film that holds nothing back by giving the audience a thrilling action filled experience they won’t forget. From the terrific leading performance by Bob Odenkirk to the beautifully choreographed and also brutal fight sequences to the truly compelling simple narrative. Nobody is a film that will have you on the edge of your seat and really tackles heavy tones while delivering some of the best action ever brought to screen in a good while overall Nobody is a fantastic film that I hope isn’t forgotten by the end of the year. 

This film centres around a suburban man who’s house gets broken into and after he fails to defend his family the way he should he seeks to find the men who broke into his house and so much more that he didn’t expect. 

Rated R : Brief Drug Use|Bloody Images|Language Throughout|Strong Violence

Bob Odenkirk : Bob gives a performance unlike anything he’s done before. Odenkirk shows to everyone that he can be an action hero in this white knuckled action film. He plays a very quiet and emotionally in check suburban father and husband. Now after his house is broken into and he didn’t do what he probably should of done he feels ashamed and tries to write the wrongs of what he didn’t do. The way Odenkirk brings that character to life was terrific as he goes to very dark emotional places and sure we’ve seen him explore dramatic emotional depths before but never in an action landscape. A lot of the character internalizes his emotions and you can see in his eyes and through is soul of how he’s feeling without having to say much which also is a testament to Odenkirk’s ability to convey emotion without having to utter a word. As when we’re introduced to him we see the day in day out life he has working 9 to 5 and doing the same thing over and over again. It’s only when something messed up happens to his life that we get to see the layers of him really peel back and see what’s under this very emotionally calm Persona. As we see levels of pure rage, embarrassment and eventually confidence within himself. When he fails to protect his home he punished himself but beating his fists against a wall but once he does attack some guys on a bus you can see the utter satisfaction he’s having by also pouring out his anger on people that deserve it. You see that release he’s been holding in for so long and then he can go back to being contained but then release that anger when it’s called for and Bob is incredible as you can see the emotional sadness and then the emotional anger he harbours inside of himself constantly throughout the film. He’s able to bring some fantastic dry humour moments that aren’t  trying to be funny but I would say it’s dark humour at times and then he can be incredibly vulnerable in heartbreaking ways and then turn into a total badass through some incredibly thrilling action scenes. Bob Odenkirk delivers every shade of himself emotionally and also shows people he can kick serious ass onscreen and he’s incredible at it this is a performance that is so layered and seeing Odenkirk firing all these depths of emotion through an action film was magnificent what a truly gripping and entertaining performance from Bob Odenkirk that is one of his best. 

IIya Naishuller : IIya has brought a fantastic hard boiled action film to the screen that’s impossible to look away from. As this is the man that brought us Hardcore Henry a few years ago which was insane as that was a POV film with intense action that many people hadn’t seen tackled like that. Now he’s given us a film that’s a classic revenge tale about writing wrongs of people that deserve to be served justice now it’s not your typical paint by numbers revenge story though which I love. The film goes under the surface of masculinity and he explores what would a man do if every man around him it be his co- worker, neighbour, relative all talk about how they would of beat up a home invader but you didn’t. He shows that insecurity that Bob Odenkirk’s character feels and how he goes down this emotional hole and will not stop until the people who were held accountable are brought to some sort of justice. Now like I said already that tone of dealing with masculinity I thought was a great way in to this story as we’ve seen 15  million revenge stories onscreen but show it from a way or a perspective we haven’t seen and he does which keeps the narrative fresh even if their are similar tones the overall story is very different in its execution. As then when you get to the action oh wow is it brutal and it’s also very grounded he was able to show the violence and action in a way that didn’t feel over the top or ridiculous but he showed it for how it would happen if you went about being essentially a vigilante. If you got punched you’d fall down and ache in pain of the guys would take cheap shots behind your back to hit you to the floor all of that small attention to detail made it the all more thrilling to watch unfold. As well he would use his resources around him as his weapon which is very Jason’s Bourne as that franchise very much invented that style of action and it’s used greatly here. The action never felt genetic or something you’ve seen a million times or it was also never bloody just for the sake of being violent their was a cause and effect to every punch or action. He also gets an amazing performance by Bob Odenkirk and from the rest of his cast. Overall IIya crafted a truly trilling action picture that delivers on great character exploration as well as pulse pounding action and a truly engaging story that I would love to see turn into a franchise as it definitely has the potential. IIya did a great job at bringing this amazing story to life truly great direction. 


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