Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Movie Review : Like A Boss

Like A Boss
This film is uncomfortable with a poorly structured comedy! When I saw the trailers for this film I wasn’t expecting a brilliant film even though it would of been nice if it was. But at the most I wanted a entertaining film with well done humour thats all I wanted and did that deliver? No it didn’t the film settles for cheap laughs that felt forced with a plot that has not any real depth to it whatsoever. It is a shame as the talent brought together for this film I do like I think Tiffany Haddish, Rose Byrne, Salma Hayek who all give some of their most poorly acted over the top performances which just made me sad because this cast can do so much better then what this. 

Firstly, A big problem this film has is that it never knows where it wants to go with its story. At first it shows it as a story about friendship, building up a company and a silly raunchy comedy. The film splits it in those three directions it tries to be edgy and outrageous with its humour but then will go in a totally different direction with smaller more emotional moments and then go back to the story about ownership over a company. I get that is what the story is about is these girls that have this makeup company but the way that it is executed is so poorly done. If the script was reworked hugely it wouldn’t of been so messy in its direction of where it wanted to go and then on top of that. If they could fix the humour and when to use it and not have the audience banged over and over and over with jokes that are coming a mile a minute. Fine I get if you are throwing jokes at me but at least be well structured jokes that are actually funny and not weak jokes that are just edgy for the sake of being edgy thats not funny that just lazy. And to top that all off their are these serious scenes that discuss the layers of friendships and how much they have been through even though we know not that much about their backstories we get some filler into it but it is very brief. Then we just see them in their current setting so all we know is their great friends and thankfully the two leads had the chemistry onscreen because if this film didn’t it would fall more flat then it already is. The films story goes nowhere sure its about them doing this company and they sell it to a big multi millionaire who they hope will make them a lot of profit but then tries to steal their company their is no depth to the story. It is so paper thin in its execution they did not think about anything else except for the comedy which they thought was more important to discuss rather then the story being told it felt like a series of comedy gags one after the other with little bits of narrative thrown in their to make some sense of what this is. The script needed a serious reworking of it as the characters were hollow, the comedy was so uncomfortable and the pacing was awful. 

Secondly, The performances are terrible! Now even in some bad films I will give them the benefit of the doubt and praise performances that are in otherwise bad films because it has happened where their are great performances in a bad film. This film does not have that trait the performances throughout themselves are so over the top and so and cartoony. Tiffany Haddish gave easily her worst performance I have seen from her and Salma Hayek was horrible she was this mean spirited character that had no depth and she brought nothing to the character worth remembering or fun. The cast all did a mediocre to bad job I am sorry I hate to say that but its true. I cannot think of one performance in this film I enjoyed I really can’t which is a shame as I mentioned before I don’t hate these actors I actually think their very talented but its the story and their performances here that are very weak. They didn’t even feel like characters but hyped up characters that felt very cartoony and not at all entertaining in any sense of the word.

Lastly, This is a horrible film! This is easily one of the worst comedies of the year that I have seen so far as we have a lot more movies this year but this comedy was awful, poorly structured in its story and the performances are horrendous. The films message is inspiring but not clear enough to be heard in this disaster of a film we got that goes for the cheap laughs, over the top gags and just boring bland and bad. Like A Boss is a film I will not remember by the end of the year it is very forgettable and is a film that when the credits rolled I was glad that it was over. 

This film centres on two childhood friends that are trying to get ahead with their company but when a multi millionaire wants to buy their company and then turns on them and tries to steal their brand they fight tooth and nail to get it back

Rated R : for language, crude sexual material, and drug use

Tiffany Haddish : Haddish gives easily her worst performance I have seen of hers here! Now I want to say that I love Tiffany I think she is hilarious and is one of the best comedians working today. However ever since her breakout hit performance with Girls Trip she has been doing the same character in every single film. She should seriously start to think about quality over quantity. As the quality of her films have been starting to dip as last year she had another disaster with the film the Kitchen and now this film. I will say though her character in this film is a raunchy over the top party machine dose that character sound familiar? Yea because she has done that role so many times already like you can do a role that is similar again but if it is approached differently their is nothing new she brings to this character. Their are moments of depth with her character sure does she have emotional moments that feel well placed yes their are and it works well. But for the majority of the film though she screams and yells constantly thinking that being so over the top all the Time will result in being funny sure for the first few minutes but for the entire time thats exhausting to watch. I will say the one positive is her ability to bring sincere emotion to the screen in a few moments that really did work well but though her over the top sex craved raunchy performance over shadows her smaller more better moments in the film. As she plays this character so loudly and could of done something really original with it but instead decided to just reuse the same formula she has been doing in her past films. This is the same problem I have had with Melissa McCarthy who also had a big hit and then repeated the same kind of characters again and again and that is the same path Tiffany is on which I would hate for her to just do the same character again and again as she is a talented actress that can do so much better then what she gave us here. Tiffany gives a weak performance that could of been so much better then what we got. 

Miguel Arteta : Miguel gave a horribly directed picture! This filmmaker I am not familiar with I have heard of his other work but have not seen it Now after seeing with what he did with this film I will keep a open mind and check out one of his other films to give him another try as this film did not give me a lot of confidence into his directional style. This film is awful and he pulls the film into so Many directions style wise and cannot make up his mind of what he wants the film to be on top of the fact that it is also crammed with awful comedy that is raunchy and edgy just for the sake of it and it feels very out of place. I get the message he is trying to tell people about friendship and loving your body that is a great message for sure. That being said it dose get lost in the awful story we are given as it has very little to none fun to be had in the film as the script was weak the performances way over the top and he could of done a better job at steering this film into a more clear direction. As I found it so hard to know what he wanted this film to be and since he couldn’t decide it resulted in it being messy. He gave horrible direction on a film that could of been so much better then what he got if he payed more attention to the story and then the laughs it would of been decent at the most overall a terribly directed film by Miguel.


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