Movie Review : Malcom & Marie
Malcom & Marie
This film is an emotional punch to the heart that will knock you flat out! Now this film has a 58 on rotten tomatoes and I think I know why. This film takes a very sharp shot at critics opinions on films and how they can be over critical of a films message and what it has to say so that may be a massive reason to it is not so great score. That being said just because a film makes a fair shot at you in a film shouldn’t be the reason to give it a bad review. As the film uses its environment of a single location for almost two hours of this couple going at one another emotionally until they are both in a puddle of tears. It’s brilliantly brought to the screen by emotional powerhouses John David Washington and Zendaya who deliver performances that is truly some of the best work of their careers.
Firstly, The themes this film hits is very real. As it touches upon very relevant and emotionally gripping topics that will spark discussion after the film is over. As the way Sam Levinson wrote and directed this film which was incredibly emotionally sincere. The words have such an impact in not just its creation but its sheer ability to have such a huge impact of how the words sprung to life by its delivery from its two main actors was outstanding. As the film tackles heavy topics such as emotional manipulation, using ones life to tell a story to benefit your own career and successes and so many more those two points are just the tip of the iceberg as the film takes an emotionally intense dive into these topics and it does not let up. As it to me came across like a boxing match in ways she would have a go at him and then he would have a go at her and both characters are clearly feeling incredible amounts of emotional turmoil. Then on top of that you can understand from both parties of the points they are making it may be in a very high volumed way but you can get where they are coming from and why they are feeling the way they do. So the way the writing was crafted and executed by its actors was so emotionally real, raw and powerfully impacts you like a blow to the chest.
Secondly, The performances by John David Washington and Zendaya is beyond brilliant! If you need one reason to watch this film look no further than the performances as what both actors bring to the screen is emotionally harrowing Excellent performances that will bring you to tears and shake your soul. John David Washington has given tremendous work over recent years but this is easily one of the best performances he has ever given onscreen baring his heart on the table in some of the most emotionally raw monologues I have heard ever. Zendaya brings a broken soul quality to her character that makes you feel for her but also terrified of her at moments too as she brings this uncertain and unnerving quality to her that is gripping but unpredictable at times all the while soaking up each frame in explosive emotion that will amaze you. Both actors deliver tour de force performances that is worthy of award recognition and is two performances I can see myself talking about at the end of the year for its sheer raw brilliance.
Lastly, Malcom and Marie is one of the most emotionally exhausting and emotionally raw films I have ever seen ever! As their have been many films that strike your soul with emotion with films like Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf?, Ma Rainey Black Bottom, Fences and even Sunset Limited now What Malcom and Marie has that makes it stand out is exactly what I said the 2018 version of a Star is Born had which was realistic intimacy and a honest take on a relationship which is exactly what this film harnesses. As throughout the film you feel like a third person In the house just seeing the conflict between two people rise and rise until it explodes in some truly heartbreaking monologues that is both outstanding on an acting level but heartbreaking on a emotional one. The chemistry between the two leads was incredible and the simplistic narrative followed by the strong performances at hand is enough of a reason to see this film. Malcom and Marie is a film that will stay with you long after its over I highly recommend people check this film out.
When a couple wait at home for the reviews to come in for a film the boyfriend worked on they talk about their honest feelings of what bugs them about one another in their relationship
Rated R : nudity, strong language throughout
John David Washington : John David Washington strikes gold once again! This guy has exploded on the Hollywood scene since people took notice of him from BlacKkKlansman in 2018 but I knew him way before that. I remember seeing him in the 2015 show Ballers and hoping he would get work outside the show which he has and I am so glad to see it as he is a really talented actor. Since then he got like I mentioned amazing critical reception from his work with Spike Lee and most recently in Tenet and now Malcom and Marie. He keeps getting better and better and his father must be so proud of him too. As here he plays a passionate filmmaker who lets his passions sometimes blind what is most important and damn does he chew up the scenery in this film. He delivers some of the most powerful monologues I have ever seen in any film or in any format of entertainment. He has a massive speech in the middle part of the film where Zendaya’s character is in the bathtub and he gives such a moving speech full of emotion that will both chill you and break your heart as in that scene he goes through every single layer of emotion. You see anger and the sheer intensity of frustration from him the next you see the calm intimidation he instills in her and lastly you see the sadness In his heart which result in tears. Now all of that is shown to such a incredible degree it is impossible to not get wrapped up in that scene alone as John David Washington pours his heart and soul into this film but it is that scene in particular that I think is the greatest scene of his entire career so far. As he was able to tap into such raw emotions in a very real way that never seemed over the top to forced but felt authentic and genuine and when his voice is shaking when he starts crying those small details like the shaking in his voice breaks your heart in two as you feel it and see the sadness in his eyes. John David Washington brings the emotional weight that is needed to carry such a emotionally intensive performance on the screen as he also can be incredibly explosively angry and be very harsh and just lay into his partner in verbal attack after attack and their is not one moment you are not invested in what he is bringing to the screen. As John David Washington brings an emotional intensity that is sincere and engaging that shows all the layers of his emotional range and he is truly outstanding in this film giving a gut wrenching performance that will split your heart in two and also have you amazed throughout every frame you see of him in this film. What an emotionally powerful performance given by John David Washington.
Zendaya : Zendaya gives a freaking powerful performance that knocked me out! Zendaya is exploding in terms of work recently with her work on the small screen getting her great attention and awards to Spider-Man to now this she is getting amazing work and I am so glad to see it. Here she channels a person who at first glance seems more put together then John David Washington’s character as she for the first 20 minutes is pretty calm and collected as we see John Davids’s character is more passionate and flashy. As she delivers her dialogue in a very calm and collected way but once they start their first argument that very thing she shows in the first almost thirty minutes of stillness and calmness is stripped away as that was just a layer of who she was beyond many more of who she is as a person. Which made for amazing complex narrative for her in terms of a character. How she explores her emotional brain is fascinating as you will see Zendaya become so passionate and full of raw emotion that is captivating the viewer and then once she finishes she goes back to being quiet unlike John David who stays angry and explosive after she does explode she then goes to the polar opposite utter stillness and calm which to me was so interesting. As it shows her ability to be able to turn her emotions that quickly. It is a testament to Zendaya as an actor as well because she can move you in this film without saying a word when that bathtub speech is given by John David Washington she says not one word the entire time but the camera constantly cuts back to her reaction to how she is taking all what he is saying in. Her reactions are so real and powerful as you can see her lip quiver as you can tell she wants to cry but won’t she is sad and wanting to cry but won’t give him the satisfaction of crying until he leaves the room and she is left alone to cry. It is a powerful thing she brings to the character as when she speaks her dialogue the darkness in her eyes is so raw and real and you see the sheer intensity of what she is saying either verbally or just from what she is showing through emoting. Then the next she can break your heart in two by crying in a puddle of tears saying how she feels unloved and unappreciated by all what she does for him in a moving speech also and Zendaya rises to the task and knocks it far out of the park delivering harrowing emotional layers and depth that will captivate you and keep you engaged the entire time. It is truly one of the best performances of her career where she got to show off all the emotional sides of her and damn is she truly extraordinary as she will amaze you and break your heart all at once a true tour de force performance by Zendaya In this film.
Sam Levinson : Levinson delivers incredible direction on Malcom and Marie! The writer of great talents from the small screen brining the emotional intimacy he has written for other things he has done before and expands upon it. Here he takes the themes of relationship and the many things that come with it and lays it all out on the table in a very real way. The film has the audience confined to just the house their is no other environment we are exposed to so to have the idea to keep it in a single location and make the audience feel in many ways like a third person in the house moving in and out of room was brilliantly done. As you can feel the tension rise and the emotional anxiety both characters are feeling as it shows things from her perspective at times and then from his which I love. It never picks one side it is constantly shifting from her to him. On top of the fact he takes some very emotionally intense topics head on and dose not look away from very real things but instead shows it for what it is I admire. As their are many things he didn’t have to go into great detail for but he did. Sam also brings not good but great performances out of his two leads and theirs an amazing chemistry between the two that just felt so natural and genuine and he makes the viewer see both parties points and never makes it seem biased. He brings together a tale about relationship and what happens when a relationship with Many things that had been pushed under the rug and never discussed he shows what happens when that confrontation takes place and the sheer impact of it In a very real way. Its a greatly directed film that honesty is one of the best real depictions I have seen onscreen ever. Sam Levinson gives incredible direction on this film.
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