Sunday, January 17, 2021

Movie Review : Locked Down

Locked Down 

This is a thrilling well acted film which has gotten bad reviews and I don’t know why. Anne Hathaway gives one of her best performances in years in This film. She is on the verge of falling apart any moment and has these explosive moments of raw emotion I haven’t seen her tap into for years she’s absolutely riveting in this film. Adding to the already brilliant performance by Anne Hathaway is Chiwetel Ejiofor who gives an emotionally compelling performance that will have you engaged the entire time both actors give truly outstanding work that will keep you watching until it is over. 

Firstly, Now the plot is very interesting and so is the approach to the film as a whole. As they incorporate the pandemic into the plot line which I thought was genius so you see some of the performances on Zoom and or you will hear them discussing in great detail about lockdown. This is a film of the moment that the viewer can relate to right now and I really like that. Adding to the compelling approach to its narrative the film is a drama but also is a heist film which is an interesting mix now drama heist films have been done for ages. But how this film was executed onscreen felt very much like a play. As the film all takes place in this small house that’s about it and its not until the last 20 minutes that they go somewhere else. Now I am not calling this film the black bottom or fences of 2021 because its not despite all 3 films taking place in a single location. The film works because of the performances if the performances in this film was weak the whole film would have fallen apart. 

Secondly, Anne Hathaway gives a mesmerizing performance now I have sadly not seen her perform to this level in quite some time. Which is sad because her last really big juicy role was in a musical almost 10 years ago and ever since she won the Oscar for her work in that film I haven’t seen her perform to that standard ever since her choices in roles has been interesting as she did the remake of the Witches last year and also films like the Hustle, Oceans 8 are all mediocre performances now she did do an amazing job in 2017 with Colossal which is a hugely underrated performance of hers but that is the kind of Anne Hathaway I miss. I also miss her bubbly side in films like the Princess Diaries so to see her here exploring so many emotional depths it was amazing to watch unfold onscreen in what I think is one of the best performances she has brought to the screen in years. Now Chiwetel Ejiofor brings a emotionally charged performance that is incredibly charismatic and full of energy that is impossible to look away from he also has not given such a compelling performance like this is sometime and he is so damn good in this film. Both Anne Chiwetel work off each other so well and blend perfectly for amazing onscreen moments. 

Lastly, Locked Down is an incredibly compelling drama that takes the strain of COVID-19 and uses it for tension in the film and really takes this small drama and evolves it into a heist film that pays off greatly. On top of the outstanding performances from both actors Locked Up is a film I recommend people to check out just for the performances alone. 

When a couple is locked up inside their house to the Pandemic they come up with a plan to steal a diamond 

Rated R : language throughout 

Anne Hathaway : Anne Hathaway gives her best work in a very Long time here. She is a talented actress with amazing range that she’s proven in films like Rachel Getting Married and her Oscar winning turn in the Tom Hooper Musical. She has shown time and time again that she is a fantastic actress its just over the last few years hasn’t been giving the work she’s capable of giving and here she returns to what is her strongest strengths a drama with great written dialogue. Now she plays a woman that’s in a relationship with a man who she feels no love for anymore and she is in a job she hates working for and smokes endlessly due to her stress level. Now how Anne captures this character onscreen is so emotionally captivating. She has a scene in this film where she spews the total frustration that has been piling up in her brain and chewing at her and the hollowness in her heart that has been aching in her joyless body for years in a speech that will raise the hairs on the back of your neck. She soaks up the dialogue in such a way when she delivers it she means every word and glance she gives and you feel it like a wave its so dazzling to see. She takes on this character in such a raw and real way that feels so authentic and Anne does not hold back she shows so many sides to her of sadness, hate and even joy in a way that is wrapped up perfectly and presented by her in such a emotionally charged way that will wrap you up in every scene she is in Anne gives her all and it shows as she’s not been this good in a film in a while and she demands every Frame with an iron fist of emotion. She also shares such amazing chemistry with Chiwetel that results in great dramatic moments and even sometimes comedic moments Anne really shows her entire range emotionally in this film and truly I would say it is one of the best of her entire career. Anne Hathaway is truly captivating in a magnificent raw performance.

Chiwetel Ejiofor : Ejiofor delivers a performance that is one of the best of his career! He is such an underrated actor the fact that he hasn’t been getting more work since 12 years a slave is shocking to me as he always gives his 100 percent in everything he does. He brings this charismatic and heartache to the character in this film that makes you feel for him. As he was in prison for assault and is trying to make the best of his life post his time with the law. Now he tries to make the best of the situation inside and only results in soul crushing results that heart your heart seeing him going through the ringer constantly. The way that Ejiofor delves deep into the emotional heart of this character and really brings him to great life if its from the unapologetic charisma He oozes or if its the deep rooted sadness you see in his eyes he wears his heart on his sleeve and truly shows all sides of himself in a heart wrenching performance that will have you entertained amazed and engaged. One moment he can have you smiling in joy the next he can make you feel every emotion in his heart in a very real way and its amazingly shown by him in a performance that goes toe to toe with Anne and it is a remarkable performance that chews up the screen. Chiwetel delivers a truly outstanding performance in this film. 

Doug Liman : Liman gives a great directed film here! He has proven Time and time again that he can direct an amazing film if its from films like The Bourne Identity, Edge Of Tomorrow or the critically underrated American Made and so to see him direct a film that is very reliant on the actors and the performances alone he makes it work. He takes the pandemic and ties it into the frame of the film and then goes from there he is able to use the single location in the film to his advantage and really explore both characters in a real way. He is able to switch between a drama to a heist film so effortlessly and kept me engaged all the way through. Doug takes a simple story expands it and then gets great performances from his actors and keeps you entertained all the way through its a solid directed film by Doug Liman once again. 


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